lol ok and?
Since people are acting like this is something to brag about, what exactly does it take for someone to create a steam account? Like, what are the requirements?
For example dose someone have to go out and buy a specific gaming PC ($200 X GpU, $100 x CPU $80 x ram)? Also would that PC need to be able to play all current generation games at something like PS4 level or better?
Ah the "It's free so ofcourse it has more" Excuse...
The same excuse you all use when you realise that 1 PC Multiplayer game has more concurrent players than all platform's call of duty combined.... and probaly most other lesser games on the systems combined.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with general value, interest and quality of the services in question (Game, Steam) It's all about "dat entry cost".
I mean, it can't possible be the reality that most people think those £300 dust collecting 5 year old hardware'd £50-60 DD priced "Next gen" consoles are not worth rushing out to use.
I just asked a simple question lol.
I mean if people are bragging about it, but I guess I hit a spot haha my bad. Continue praising these "accounts" which were made vs console sold.
Freedom was the one that compared concurrent online accounts to consoles sold.
Shhh, try to let him work it out... it may happen. He may even read the rest of the thread!
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