theres no need for a movie service for a pc based service since all you have to do is minimize steam and watch a movie. its strictly for gaming.
actually valve offers steam works for free for developers including authentication tools and anticheat services. and you can invite friends into games.
and all the dedicated servers for live are not on MSs bill. theyre fully on the developer. p2p networks eliminate the use of a dedicated server.
and for everything steam is 'missing' its still free.
you may want to research things a bit.
A movie service may not be important to you personaly, but it is still a service many find to be enjoyable, a service in which Live has over Steam. I'm aware that you can send invites on steam, but try to play a game with a group of friends becomes a nightmare on steam, because you have to find an active game with lopsided teams which is a rare thing. Most times you have to have your friends slowly move into the server as space becomes available. live is also Client based not p2p, but Client based games still require dedicated servers to track games, stats, and the number of players available, it would be impossible to ever find a game unless the host of a game was able to send you the required information needed to join his game manually to you specifically. There is also the need for dedicated servers to send out patches and have DL content available to be downloaded from, something that is hosted by MS, (a few exceptions). This is why Valve is being forced to charge for additional content for L4D on live because they do not want to host the content themselves, as well as GTA4 having problems on PS3 on release due to Rockstar having to hire game-spy to run their servers for GTA4 specifically for the PS3 version.
Also from my knowledge most of valves tools and anti-cheat software VAC has to be licensed out, and is not given to developers freely, nor does every game on Steam use such software.
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