Valve have really gone downhill they're a joke compared to what they used to be. Always used to be acceptable price and real good deals. Now the sale prices aren't even on par with physical console games wtf? Example Yooka-Laylee i wanted to try the other week £34.99 on steam... I checked on other key sites that work with steam and i was able to buy it off ebay for £3.50! Now the steam sales have started i checked Yooka-Laylee again at 66% off it still costs more than the physical PS4 version!
Now to Crash Bandicoot that's out this week. Deciding to get it for Switch or PC again well the prices are fuked. £34.99 on steam but the physical copy on Amazon for switch and the OneX is £30 and even cheaper other places. Again Key sites are selling it hell of a lot cheaper than that fat Half Life killer Gabe. But what's more funny is that Spyro Trilogy Reignited is cheaper by £5 and its not a year old port.
And don't tell me its up to the devs and publishers, games go cheaper with age not stay the same and cost more than its physical counterpart.
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