Reinforcin Skyward Freekin Sword.
3 hours in and still tutorian me. Another hour until you get in the first freekin dungeon.
A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time I learned tutorials, the intro of the story, and inside the 1st dungeon all in the first hour.
What happens between the time you boot the game up and reach the first dungeon isn't tutorial. It's just an arbitrary criteria people have made up.
The game opens up once you leave Skyloft and enter Faron Woods, which is an area with just as much gameplay substance as a dungeon itself. You're fighting monsters, exploring, solving puzzles, helping local residents, finding new items; this isn't a tutorial anymore.
Skyloft's 1 hour section is imo justified because of the vast amount of mechanics this game introduces which the game eases you into, one after the other.
In a typical TPS with standard mechanics and game design, you know exactly how it plays, so all you need is a 5 min reminder. With Skyward Sword, you need to learn Link's new movement abilities, entirely new sword fighting system, how to fly with the bird and of course get familiar with Skyloft which is the hub area you'll return to constantly as the game goes on.
SS has its handholding issues, but overly long tutorial isn't one of them. You can get through it rather quickly the second time you play, especially Hero Mode let's you skip some of the parts.
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