I'm tired of people posting topics thats saying:" I'll get the xbox if it stops getting RROD but it won't happen" those want make me so mad and yes, Exclusives are a matter also. Sony's PS3 Gets the YLOD so It should be even No console is perfect. But Alan Wake and Splinter Cell are coming Exclusively to the 360 and people are make such a big deal about Uncharted and InFamous that they dont even care about the other Exclusives even though they come out in 2010. I know i'm going to get flamed for making this topic, But that's a risk i'm willing to take.:D
Wow, someone has an inferiority complex about his 360. The RROD is a big deal. Get used to it. MS shipped a console that was flawed and unreliable. I got the RROD and so has every 360 owner I know that has own theirs for more than a year. Some of them had it four times. No console is perfect but not every console is guaranteed to break. That is a guarantee only the 360 can offer you.
And yes the PS3 exclusives look better and there are more of them. I know you already understand this, based on how worked up you are about the topic.
Ive owned my first xbox for two or three years. Then got another for xmas a year ago. And you know what?...no RROD or E74.
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