Why do people keep saying Indigo Prophecy blah, blah,blah. Who cares this is not Indigo Prophecy II, this is Heavy Rain. Factor 4.5 made Rogur Squadron, didn't help them with Lair. I'm not saying Heavy Rain will be bad , but to keep saying INdigo Prophecy, Indigo Prophecy sounds stupid. You wanna make a case for Heavy Rain then talk about heavy rain.
You are honestly running with that comparison? HR and IP are not the same game, but they are spiritual successors. They are the same style, similar gameplay, same intent by the developers to deliver a cinematic game, etc, etc, etc. Lair and Rogue Squadron were NOTHING ALIKE. NOTHING. Two totally different games and that doesn't even touch on the development issues associated with Lair such as having to slap in 6 axis at the last possible second. And I would even add that I didn't like Rogue Squadron either...so how does that fit into your comparison?
Second, hype is hype. Since when does hype have ANYTHING to do with evidence and reality. NOTHING. That is why it is called hype. If people only talked about games that were already out and everyone played them...there wouldn't be any such thing as hype. Positive words would be praise and negative would be criticism. By definition, hype is excitement by people who like what they have seen, and we have seen different aspects of HR that people can form opinions on.
So no matter how you want to spin it, telling people to stop hyping something is much weaker than the original hyping.
"So no matter how you want to spin it, telling people to stop hyping something is much weaker than the original hyping."
I didn't "spin" anything kid, nor did I tell people to stop hyping anything. I don't think it's hard to understand if you're going to hype a game then quit talking about another game that has nothing to do with this game. You know hype the game your takinf about not a totally different game.:roll:
"Second, hype is hype. Since when does hype have ANYTHING to do with evidence and reality. NOTHING"
Hype has nothing to do with evidence LMAO. Yah there is not evidence like known features, previews, dev diaries, etc.. LMAO yah nothing to do with reality, grow up I never said anything bad about this game or said to stop hyping it, merely to hype this game not another game this Dev made previously.
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