If you go into a game expecting it to be "just like" or "better than" something else right off the bat, you're going to have a negative experience with it. Experience it for what it is, play the whole thing through and then nitpick how it could be better. If another similar game was a better experience for you, that's also fine. But try to step aside from a games immediate shortcomings and appreciate it for its own style, gameplay, and content. A game isn't "overrated" because it isn't your favorite game ever. I hate the mentality that "only games I like can get a good score!!!" Yes, more than one game can be highly rated. I feel like so many people just want to dislike popular games and call every major title overrated. 90% of times I see that term used on these forums, what someone really means is that they have been playing the game for three hours and personally didn't like the game as much as other people did. That is not what overrated means. And yes, I realize the term itself is subjective, but every game you dislike is not overrated. And a game not being your favorite game ever does not make it overrated. /rant
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