[QUOTE="True_Gamer_"][QUOTE="aliblabla2007"][QUOTE="True_Gamer_"][QUOTE="aliblabla2007"][QUOTE="True_Gamer_"][QUOTE="aliblabla2007"][QUOTE="true_gamer"]Core mechanics of most basebuilding resourcecollecting dumbed down pathetic clickfests called "RTS" have NOT changed since 1996...
The same resource grabbing shortcut memorised clickfest....The actual battle troop manipulation is a joke...the from the top camera with tiny soldiers and a pathetic hitpoint system are shouting "we are designed for the iq lvl of a 12 year old"....
I know its sad to admit that Dune2 is like a chronic desease over the genre....because truth hurts...
I know you've got a superiority complex and you can't seem to admit that other people may prefer different games for reasons other than having brains that aren't so well developed, "TRUE_GAMER", but I suppose it's perfectly alright to those with fanboy goggles if a game keeps the same base gameplay mechanics from 2000 is it, even though we have modern RTSs that have vastly difference gameplay mechanics from RTSs made 10 years ago?
If you think that ALL modern RTSs are "dumb" clickfests, I suggest you start analysing the genre properly. Total War is a great franchise, but I'm not so fanboyish that I think that those who prefer Total War over other games somehow have higher IQs than those who do otherwise. Especially when SOASE is much more demanding on your intellect than the Total War series, and it's more RTS than TW is.
Its so obvious you havent played Shogun.....The difference between shogun and Empire is FAAAR greater than the difference between CoH and Dune2....
Shogun had no physics, no Naval battles, no worthwile diplomacy....it had tiled risk style campaign map.... I mean shall we open our eyes or what?
So what? Dune 2 doesn't have physics, deformable terrain, a point-capture hold-territory resource system, population caps, ammunition-per-clip limits on weapons, real accuracy, cover, variable rates of fire, reload and cooldown speeds to my knowledge.
Either way, when broken down into their most basic element, both modern Total Wars and the modern RTS genre can be made to look just like prettier versions of their old forms. It's only when you start adding minor addons like what we've mentioned that these games start getting real differences from their ancestors... and in some cases, they can play almost completely different by having a huge amount of minor differences in gameplay.
When you change the current base formula for an RTS game, say by removing basebuilding and resource management entirely, you change it into an RTT, thus it isn't an RTS, in which case it's impossible for an RTS to use that model as the base, and therefore unfair to criticize it for doing so. Are you going to say that FPSs suck, because they haven't gotten beyond Doom's "shoot enemies, move on" gameplay idea?
What Im saying is that the very battles have 0 scale....look at M2TW which can amount as big as 40.000 fully animated AI aware individuals with their own attack/defence/morale/xp calculations...
APart from the complexity look at WiC if it had a TURN BASED map from ie HEARTS of IRON and a greater scale/troop count it would be easily the Total War of modern era....
Lastly can you name me ONE dune2 styled MELEE RTS that can stand up to M2TW?
What? I can't name you a melee RTS as "good" as M2TW, because quality is opinionated. :roll: What's good to you isn't necessarily good to me, and vice versa.
Besides, the argument was about the relative originality of modern RTSs vs the relative originality of modern TW games, and you still haven't responded to me on my real argument. I don't see how anything in your post is even relavent to my argument.
The "originality" point is that while you see dozens if not hundreds of companies copy pasting Dune2...You dont see any companies offering what Total War has...Thats the point CA has a MONOPOLY (Imperial glory tried and failed) over a GENRE that it nearly created (espessially in 3d sense)...
If there was an originality award it should go straight to CA....0 competition is no small thing...
And likewise, there are companies that go well beyond the RTS norm and make games that aren't like the generic games from their genre. I don't see you complaining about the FPS genre - one of the most oversaturated-with-unoriginal-crap genres we have today. Besides, how does having zero competition make it perfectly alright for a dev to copy-and-paste their base formula into better engines? Resting on laurels, much?
Since games dont exist in a vaccum its a fact of life (I agree monopoly hasnt done much good to CA and TW) that if you make something that no competition can touch you attain relative perfection....since youre the only one...
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