I like to stream my videos from my computer. I have a lot of files cause I hate keeping DVD discs. On my 360 I can watch videos with no problem at all especially after the upgrade a year ago which let you watch wmv and other formats such as avi. But on the Playstation 3 streaming videos suck. PS3 works best with Avi & divx but with 'CERTAIN' wmv and xvid files it is a nightmare. Even though they said that with the upgrade in firmware it was suppose to allow wmv. And don't give me that 'ALL YOU GOT TO DO IS ACTIVATE WMA. IN THE PANEL' mess! It still does not work right. All I get is a code and a statement that it is not recognized. This is frustrating especially considering how much the PS3 cost. No i DON't want to copy files to the Ps3 harddrive. No I don't want to use Tversity! Which still sucks. PS3 has 'file size limitations for video playback' come on! Whats up with that?! I wish someone would have told me that before I bought this thing.
I must say that if 360 had licked these hardware issues that this whole Next generation console contest would have been over with. Not only does the 360 best the ps3 in software but absolutely trashes sony with the entertainment features on the 360 and that is not even including the almighty xbox live. If any one knows of a way to make ALL of the video content but especially wmv work on the PS3 please do not hesitate to tell me. Thank Goodness that I didn't get rid of my Xbox 360.
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