According to NX Gamer, Fallout 4 runs better on the XB1. Starting to shed a light on the DF Sony agenda?
I'm surprised this isn't getting more attention. Wait, who am I kidding? This place is overrun with Cows, of course this video is going to be ignored. Can we just take Digital Foundry's word for it anymore?
Oh, and LOL at Fallout 4 on consoles. You couldn't pay me to play that game on a console.
Fair enough most us of in here tend to be on the other side of these arguments quickly, cause we tend to see ps4 as the slightly more capable console. And we analyse how games come out and how they fair. How the hardware make up look. Perhaps its blind to follow DF all the times they screwed up on this one. People should realize this is not the first time and they also have been on the other side. I look at this at Nx Gamer for patched up ACU for example one of the most content game in here. Then I read DF update on this and I'm confused as to where this fairs. If you ask an xboxone fanboy he will swear that ACU shows xbox one cpu so powerful that a downgrade of cloud is needed for ps4 alone for the series. or this is game is the evidence of cpu power arguments. Yet NXGamer give it very different take and say things line one was the most worked on or they run the same.
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