I can't find what the developer has said according to these people.
Anyway those forums are not about thinking or sharing ideas. If you want to be able to think, or have any form of discussion, you have to risk being offensive. Something users of Ne... Resetera and Vice and Kotaku and Polygon don't understand. You have to be able to test and present ideas that others may disagree with. You have to be able to wonder why.
Otherwise you get an echochamber and those are very dangerous as we see right here.
In a conversation, doesn't even need to be a discussion, it is of the essence that you listen. You don't just ban or get rid of, you listen to what the other person is trying to say. If you don't listen to their points, especially if you disagree with them, you're never going to learn anything. Because all you're doing then is just reaffirming your own beliefs.
They can 'talk' about politics or the meaning of transgender but they will never walk away a better person who has learned anything because of their drakonian approach to eliminating discussion.
And I'll never get over this part. It's censorship country there, right? And then you see posts like this: "Apparently it's a dude with an avatar of a woman for... some reason. That actually makes more sense." that are sexist, which you would think they would also jump on real fast as they do with things like 'thread whining'. But those types of posts are fine according to the moderation team as long as they are against men, the oppressors. XD Aside from -or because of- being an echochamber they have this twisted (in their case a sexist) view of what is allowed or what is right. But don't ever try and expose it because, then you're out. It's not a fair discussion, in other words it's not a forum looking for truth.
TLDR: If you want a safe space, don't pretend to allow/have discussions or to together talk about politics/the idea of anything (like gender).
They are exactly not the place for any intelligent debate. Which is why how these spaces tend to do not much else but discuss these things is to me a curious idea. I would wager that such high levels of moderation on words while constantly having these talks means that the forum is not trying to be a safe space, but is rather trying to steer the 'discussion' in exactly one way: their 'undiscussed' way.
Not that I care that much. To me, people who frequent such boards are more likely to be braindead by now. You learn more from System Wars than such a board. But I would prefer if people here stayed away from such places. They are toxic to the mind.
Yes I would argue a place like resetera should not have discussion or should not be frequented by people let alone developers. I am risking offending you right now with this idea, and you can reply to it and I will listen to what you have to say about it. And that's how people can talk and learn. I would much rather have these developers move to System Wars, as weird as that may sound, because people can talk more freely here.
(Thumbs up to the mods and regulations here btw, for not killing the sharing of ideas left and right with the hammer.)
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