i was a SNES guy when i was young
I had all 3 consoles Genesis, SNES and Turbo Graphix 16, The SNES by far was my favorite, but all 3 had great games on them I had to play.
On August 14th, 1989, exactly 25 years ago, the greatest console of all time was released in NA: The SEGA Genesis.
I was all about the Genesis, but I also really wanted an SNES. My parents wouldn't let me have both, but I still rented the SNES to play the big games like Super Punch Out, Super Mario World, Street Fighter 2, etc, and I had a lot of friends with the SNES, so I got to play quite a bit of it. I preferred the Genesis games then for the most part, but the SNES games have held up better, imo.
SNES. I didn't really care for Sega, but I did like Mortal Kombat on that system more than the SNES.
SNES. I didn't really care for Sega, but I did like Mortal Kombat on that system more than the SNES.
Mortal Kombat on Genesis was crap first you had those mini graphics and then the gameplay was completely different from the arcades. The only good thing was that it had blood and original fatalities.
I recall that my family had an SNES, but I never played it because I was a baby still, lol. One of my first gaming experiences was Duck Hunt with a gun peripheral. That SNES broke and we bought a PlayStation.
Owned both, but the Genesis I got first, worked my ass off sweeping floors and doing paper route just to buy one. Also the PowerBase Converter won me over since I had backlogs of SMS games. Definitely the Genesis! Added to that, I eventually got the Sega CD.
SNES. I didn't really care for Sega, but I did like Mortal Kombat on that system more than the SNES.
Mortal Kombat on Genesis was crap first you had those mini graphics and then the gameplay was completely different from the arcades. The only good thing was that it had blood and original fatalities.
Really? It's usually said it's the version to have played.
I had a mega drive but respected the SNES and would have had as much fun with it as the Sega no doubt. They both had good libraries.
I was all about the Genesis... until I got a SNES, then it was game over. Easily my favorite console ever. Nintendo, Squaresoft, Capcom and Konami were all in beast mode.. then you had Rare, Quintet, HAL, Lucas, all doing good stuff.
Genesis was no slouch, it was a bad ass must own system, but the SNES was just insane.
This is well put.
I see why people like the Genesis so much, but the lack of RPGs limits its appeal for me.
SNES. I didn't really care for Sega, but I did like Mortal Kombat on that system more than the SNES.
Mortal Kombat on Genesis was crap first you had those mini graphics and then the gameplay was completely different from the arcades. The only good thing was that it had blood and original fatalities.
Really? It's usually said it's the version to have played.
It is.
Both versions sucked compared to the arcade, but the SNES version was unreasonably slow. It's not like the gameplay was good, or even remotely complex to begin with, so the differences on the Genesis weren't a big deal and tbh, the SNES version played just a differently from the original as the Genesis... and while blood and fatalities may seem trivial, those were the biggest selling points for the game at the time.
The SNES version had better graphics and sound, but the Genesis version was the better game.
Snes, although I wish I went with the underdog, the Genesis. It had Lunar the Silver Star, the second best RPG ever made, not to mention that the Phantasy Star series was way better than Final Fantasy on the Snes.
I don't think I've ever read something I disagreed with more lol.
I love Phantasy Star IV and I even have a strange fondness for Phantasy Star II, but Final Fantasy IV aged much better than Phantasy Star II, which is very difficult to play nowadays, and Phantasy Star IV, while an excellent RPG in its own right, isn't quite on par with the masterwork that is Final Fantasy VI. Its battle system is arguably better, but it just doesn't do story, visuals, pacing, or music nearly as well.
Final Fantasy V and Phantasy Star III are widely seen as the weak links, but Final Fantasy V has excellent gameplay and one of the best customization systems ever; its just the story that's weak. Phantasy Star III doesn't have anything going for it at all.
I will say that Phantasy Stars I and II were much more advanced that the Final Fantasy games on the original NES, but by the time the SNES era rolled around, I think that Final Fantasy clearly pulled ahead.
@SolidTy: I had both. They each had games I had to have. Turbo even had BONK!
Holy manure dude!! So I was cold calling for a stock broker in a firm in Li in like 1992, and there was this kid that worked with us that was very naïve and had a giant head. My buddy Tyrone always called him BONK!!! Oh shit it still cracks me up!!
I was a Genesis guy back then, also ended up adding the Sega CD attachment. I had a neighbor who had an SNES and we'd trade consoles occasionally. Each had their Pros and Cons. Super Mario World and Mario Kart were must-haves though. In hindsight, I'd rather have had the SNES, but having access to one made the Genesis the must-have for me.
first time in my entire life that I've heard someone say Aladdin on snes was the superior version. Whether it be professional reviews, gamer's preferences or sales numbers, they all favored the genesis. But hey that's your opinion
@SolidTy: I had both. They each had games I had to have. Turbo even had BONK!
Holy manure dude!! So I was cold calling for a stock broker in a firm in Li in like 1992, and there was this kid that worked with us that was very naïve and had a giant head. My buddy Tyrone always called him BONK!!! Oh shit it still cracks me up!!
Bwahahaha. Poor Bastard.
@SolidTy: I wish I had a pic of him for you. Tyrone would say "you look like BONK, bro, so don't talk to anyone about women"
We would crack up!!
Definitely snes, though I didn't own either till much later. I did get Nintendo power and dream of playing the games lol I went to friends houses and played snes. I only knew a few people with a genesis so I rarely played it.
I had both consoles and enjoyed both, but the SNES has more of the games that I liked.
I got the Genesis before the SNES was even released so the visuals left a bigger impact on me.
The SNES is more technically advanced which is no surprise since it is newer.
The SNES also had a much more capable sound chip but sometimes I enjoyed the raw fm sound from the Genesis.
@PAL360: I had Aladdin on gamegear. I liked humming the music lol. I think I could play the game from start to finish in about 15 min though even as a kid.
@PAL360: I had Aladdin on gamegear. I liked humming the music lol. I think I could play the game from start to finish in about 15 min though even as a kid.
Lol. I never played that version, but it's all about 15 minutes, i may watch it on youtube :p
@PAL360: it may have been longer lol. It has been like 20 years I played it but I remember it being short even as a kid with little attention span.
I was genesis. Actually I was Sega from Genesis on. Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast too. The only thing I wished were on Genesis was the FF games. Hell Square in general. Otherwise Genesis was a great system. Landstalker is still a fun game for me.
SNES. I didn't really care for Sega, but I did like Mortal Kombat on that system more than the SNES.
Mortal Kombat on Genesis was crap first you had those mini graphics and then the gameplay was completely different from the arcades. The only good thing was that it had blood and original fatalities.
Thankfully MK2 SNES added the blood.
I had a Super Nintendo and my neighbor had a Genesis. I liked them both. However, if I had known that system wars in the future would consist on people counting pixels on nearly identical versions of the same boring games, I would have taken a more belligerent stance just to squeeze the last drop of awesomeness from the greatest system war ever, the 16 bit war.
I feel sorry for anyone who wasn't able to experience both since they did compliment each other nicely. Of course not everyone had the liberty of such an expensive venture (in the early 90's) but it was a fun ride. Both Nintendo and Sega were firing on all cylinders. The games were great. The systems were great and the commercials were unbelievable. Each system offered what it competition did not and it wasn't like now where you can pretty much get away with either a MS or Sony product and be gtg.
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