DMC 1 --- 2.77 million
DMC 2 --- 1.69 million
DMC 3 --- 1.62 million
Total ---6.08 million
SSBM--- 6.58 million
PS2s --- 117.89 million
GCs --- 21.59 million
PS2s outsold GCs by more than 5.46 times. Yet, SSBM outsells DMC1,2,3 COMBINED! The funniest part of this ownage is Twilight Princess for Wii has already sold more than every DMC game. :lol: Wii has an install base of 7.09 million right now compared to 117.89 million PS2s. Yet, Wii has a game already that has beaten every DMC in sales. :lol:
TP is one of the worst selling Nintendo Zelda's ever in Japan...and it still has beaten all DMC game sales worldwide in 6 months time period. Even Wii Play has sold more than every DMC game. There are a few Mario Party games that have outsold all DMC games.
Cows, you have been overhyping how popular this franchise is for years. Yes, DMC franchise is popular, but it IS NOT NEARLY as popular as you have made it sound. And BTW you really think DMC4 will sell a lot on PS3, seeing as the install base is going to be much nearly as high as PS2, and the game is now multiplat?
Cow excuses
1. PS2 has so many great games and it is hard to have a franchise as popular as Halo and SSBM.
2. Gamecube and Xbox had few great titles, so of course Halo and SSBM were wildly popular and this explains why it sold more than DMC 1,2,3 combined.
Yes, PS2 had a lot of great games. There 117.89 million PS2s in homes. If a PS2 game is great, cows will buy it. GTA: San Andreas sold 14.88 million on PS2.
"Bu bu but DMC franchise is a megahit monster and still owns you all!" :roll:
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