If theres any genre that has become a pariah in gaming, its the first and third person shooters. Weve all heard the complaints; there are too many of them, other genres becoming overlooked, and how its just become all too easy to make this genre a convenient scapegoat for the decline of gaming blah blah blah.
Well bollocks on that. While I do enjoy a multitude of genres, shooters are just as much fun and you know it!! (whether you know it or not ;) ) So to this I say lets give recognition to those titles that made their mark on gaming landscape, and as a series excel in their genre.
Im sure most of you are familiar with where it goes from here. 64 series will begin as contenders, but over the next 5 weeks of elimination, only ONE will remain to claim the crown for System Wars Choice of BEST SHOOTERS SERIES of all time. Yes this encompasses some of the early forerunners like Wolfenstein, DOOM, and Quake, pitted against the contemporary stars such as Call of Duty, Halo, Killzone, and Crysis.
* To be eligible to vote, your account must have been created before Aug 1 2012.
* Your ballots must be posted as numbered lists (1-32 for round 1, 1-16 for round 2, 1-8 for round 3, and so on).
* Each number must correspond to the chart, choosing only one game from each assigned number slot.
* Your ballots must be complete, with all slots voted on or it wont be counted
* You may change your votes at any time up to the cut off. If you do so, do NOT make a new post. EDIT your existing ballot.
So for this round we go back to full voting lists, no blank slots will be allowed. But for JUST ONE BLOCK of your choice, you have the option to vote for BOTH GAMES in the same block. All you have to do for that number in the list is type in "Game A and Game B" (or just see my example in my next post).
So how did round 2 turn out?
ARMA vs Killzone = 42/33
The Darkness vs Halo = 9/67
HalfLife vs Call of Duty = 64/12
Team Fortress vs Battlefield = 41/35
Chronicles of Riddick vs Resistance = 48/29
Counter Strike vs Rainbow Six = 50/27
DOOM vs Perfect Dark = 56/20
Serious Sam vs Sniper Elite = 55/11
Timesplitters vs Rage = 52/23
Farcry vs Spec Ops = 66/5
Crysis vs Gears of War = 37/40
Bioshock vs Golden Eye = 50/26
Red Faction vs Stalker = 21/54
Homefront vs Unreal = 7/67
Just Cause vs SOCOM = 48/23
SW Battlefront vs Borderlands = 54/22
Click here to see full sized chart
Now as it often gets asked in these things, how did the contenders get arranged in their starting positions. In the past I did that with the old fashioned names out of a box method. But as nobody saw how it unfolded, it seemed like it could never be done right. So this time I got the community involved in helping determine the opening roster, where this time you could all see firsthand the process in action. See this pre-game thread for how it went down.
So who will reign supreme? From the story driven to the intense multiplayer battles, your votes will decide!
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