The upper left faction looks deadly. Very reminiscent.
Uncharted, Gears Of War, Dark/Demon Souls, Bastion, LBP, The Witcher and Portal are all heavy hitters which have to beat eachother to make it to the final.
However the upper right looks like an opportunity for a clear winner.
Mass Effect is up with MNR, Bayonetta, Vanquish, Motorstorm, Dead space, Just Cause, Alan Wake, Infamous, Catherine, Dead Rising, LA Noire, BlazBlue, Mirrors Edge, GRID and Saints row. I think it's pretty obvious who would make it to the finals in that area... My my.
From the third group, It seems as though the Batman series is the probable winner, but Minecraft and Bioshock may pose a threat.
I predict that the Final 3 contenders will be:
Mass Effect
Batman: Arkham
Uncharted or Portal.
Winner will be Mass Effect.
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