Oh man, Revelaitons is awesome (spelling mistake intended -- lol at the spine). It's bad that I didn't know how to use a herb until Episode 3 though :oops:
I've heard many things about the CGI in that game, looks like Ubisoft is putting their new film studios to good use :P
I've also heard that the ending is the best in the series. You're in for a treat ;)
Lol I see you meant AC, that's all good. Actually, AC: Revelations was awesome. Can't wait for the fullblown ACIII.
Yes, I mixed up the two games :P
Hopefully AC3 mixes the franchise up this time, and adds new gameplay elements. Revelations is way too similar to Brotherhood for my tastes.
As for RE: Revelations, I never really played a Resident Evil game. I hear RE4 is the best one though.
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