*Plays RE:velations*
*Slaughters everything in Stage 20 - Abyss in one try*
Well, that was disappoin...
*Unlocks new name colour*
Just tried WAW Giant Rising- Where the Naz zombies began their march; where the master plan first took shape. rd 6 is my highest, and there's dogs in that one.
Der Riese? Find Thompson, go to power switch, put back against door, aim for the head.
Don't know how many of you follow movies/actors/directors, but since I'm watching one of the greatest movies ever made - Pulp Fiction - which is also directed by possibly the best living director - Quentin Tarantino - it made me think of his new movie.
Django Unchained starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Foxx, Sacha Baran Cohen, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Sam Jackson, Kristopher Waltz, Kurt Russel, and Don Johnson has a very good chance of being his best movie yet. Which would be an amazing thing since this is the same man who directed Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. Tarantino is also the writer of Django Unchained.
-- It may not be his best movie, but I cannot explain how much I want to see this movie. So far this movie has a Dec 25, 2012 release date.
That reminds me, I still need to watch Reservoir Dogs. >.>
Keeping an eye on it only because it's Tarantino who made Pulp Fiction. I thought the other movies of his that I've watched (Kill Bill, Inglourious Basterds) lacked a certain...touch of genius and wit.
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