An epic game indeed.
This soundtrack made the battles so epic, the game is an almost masterpiece and i am getting the platinum for it because i love it so much. there isn't really any game like it.
The only soundtrack that even comes close to it is The Last Samurai.
That movie is way underrated.
It deserved better reviews than what it got, that ending was perfect T_T.
The whole movie is perfect, Tom Cruise was perfect in this movie and it was his best movie, also Katsomoto did an excellent job, this is my favourite movie of all time, i love setting like this also Jet Li had the movie fearless or something and it was also amazing.
The Last Samurai soundtrack is also the best soundtrack for a movie and batman movies come in second for me, i haven't even seen the dark knight rises and just from the trailers the soundtrack is amazing.
The soundtracks are so good for the batman movies and The Last Samurai because Hans Zimmer was put in charge of making the soundtrack of all those movies. Suffice to say, he's really really good at what he does (make good music :D).
And yeah, Jet Li's Fearless was also a very good movie. They both didn't do so well here in the West because of the cultural difference. If you get the chance to see The Dark Knight Rises in IMAX, I urge you to do so. It really makes a big difference and it's a great experience.
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