[QUOTE="KingOfKonging"] [QUOTE="Zhengi"]If it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck, then for sure MS will moneyhat the duck.Zhengi
I can't even believe you're being serious right now, it's that ridiculous.
I don't read this forum enough to pick up on this forum's brand of sarcasm.... but it has gotten to the point where it's laughable.
No, you're right. The games on 360 suck, everyone who has played them and can/does confirmt he very high critical marks is wrong (or, they've been paid off too!) Every major critical review site that has praised the 360's library has been paid off. This is more reasonable than the games on the 360 being very high quality, obviously.
Much more reasonable.
Yep, Microsoft has "moneyhatted the duck" alright.
This is why this forum is dying. It's just so, so dull and ridiculous. I think more people have finally realized how pointless it is, and the Gerstmann debacle was the final straw.
You have finally seen the light and are enlightened. :)
Well, I called up Microsoft and they threw 200 bucks my way so now I'm cool.
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