@judaspete said:
@last_lap: "...its bestselling game is a Wii U game".
Sure, and the best selling game on PS4/XB1 was a PS360 game, GTA V. I'm not sure how this supports your point. Mario Kart is the best selling game on every Nintendo console. People love that shit. I like F-Zero, Waverace, and even Excite Truck more, but clearly most folks don't agree with my opinion here.
I'll meet you halfway on the hardware though. People aren't always on board with Nintendo's hardware. But when they are, they buy the software in droves. Even on the failed consoles, Nintendo games manage to put up pretty good numbers. Like, Splatoon moved about 5 million copies on the Wii U. That's really impressive on a system that bombed so hard.
Now N64's problem was sticking with cartridges. They were too expensive, and didn't have enough memory. Third parties jumped ship. Plus, they launched late that gen.
Gamecube had discs, but they were small. Third party support was better, but still half-hearted. They were directly competing with two much larger corporations at this point. And the GC was the only console that wasn't also a dvd player. That said, most folks now acknowledge the games were really good, and that's why used GC game prices have skyrocket in recent years.
Wii U was just a bad gimmick no one wanted, but people bought the heck out of those games once they were put on a system they did want.
Again, if Nintendo's software was so great then it would never have a console failure, people don't care about if their games come on disc or cartridge, that's a moot talking point, because you go from well the N64 had cartridges is why it failed to sure Gamecube had discs but the disks were too small excuses. I own both of those consoles, and didn't care what format the games came on, and still don't.
The GTA V vs Mario Kart reference is an apples to oranges comparison, one is on all platforms (except Nintendo's) compared to a game on a single platform, and had GTA V on the Switch it too would have been the highest selling game, but instead it's highest selling game is a remaster.
And i'm currently playing BotW on the Wii U right now and its a 100x better console than the Wii ever was but because the Wii was the most gimmicky shit ever it sold well.
As for the prices of the Gamecube and games, well things that aren't in abundance tend to have high prices attached to them, you should go checkout prices of Sega games and consoles, how good they were are irrelevant, the name behind the title is what sells them, and I know this because I trade on Ebay a LOT and have just about every retro console and a ton of games (close to 2,000) and you can buy Gamecube games for $10.
It's possible (and highly likely) that people just got sick of Nintendo's games and the reason the Wii sold so well was not because of its games but because of the gimmicky controls etc, and Nintendo have struggled ever since the SNES, with only the 2 gimmicky consoles selling the most, where its normal consoles in the Gamecube, N64, Wii U sold poorly.
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