TW3 - IMO set the bar for story-driven open world RPGs. Any new open world RPG will be compared to this game, and given how well it balanced freedom of exploration with story telling they will most often be found lacking
BotW - again a bar setter. This time for emergent gameplay. It's the complement to the strengths of TW3 - storytelling sucks, very "open world thin", but it uses physics and environment design in a way I've never seen and any new open world RPG will be compared to this one too - and again likely found lacking
Now, in the interest of taking the less beaten path...
Mechanical puzzlers -
Kerbal Space Program. Remember The Incredible Machine? Didn't think so. But this game carries on the tradition of using actual physics and mechanical principles to force the gamer to have fun THINKING. This genre is so niche - it would die without gems like KBSP
cRPGs -
It's somewhat divisive in the RPG community, in the face of the more popular D:OS series, but Pillars of Eternity revived the grand tradition of Baldur's Gate and Planescape Torment. Like D:OS better? You're not alone, but PoE has managed to keep the Black Isle legacy on life support
Myst-like puzzle adventures -
Obra Dinn. Wow.
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