Alright guys, I've been staying cool for a while, refraining from going on any expletive riddled orgies of self indulgence that are "Rant Threads", but lately I have been seeing some fanboyish ideas/concepts that make me (in the words of Jackie E.) want to kick a ****ing dog.... or sumthin'.
So ladies and gentlemen, here it goes: my list of SW ideas that arethat are ****ing stupid beyond belief.
Stupid ****ing idea #1: JRPGS have to stay the same in order to be JRPGS.
Since when do all JRPGS have to be conventional turn-based affairs with stale 15 year old gameplay?
I see all these people hyping Lost Oddessy and Blue Dragon, even though those games show no signs of innovation and change whatsoever. Why would you hype gamesthat refuse to do anything new, when a perfectly new and innovative title called Eternal Sonata is sitting right in front of you? Stop hyping games that stand on 15+ year old crutches; you're only encouraging them to stay the same.
Stupid ****ing idea #2:The Wii's lack of power is irrelevant; the core gameplay can always be ported.
False. There are games that the Wii cannot handle, no matter how bad the graphics are downscaled. Look at Dead Rising: that game revolves around having hundreds upon hundreds of enemies onscreen at once, which is something the Wii simply cannot handle. Look at Stranglehold: The core gameplay of that game relies upon the Massive D physics system, which is something the Wii cannot handle.
Listen, I'm not saying the Wii doesn't/can't have good games, just stop acting like it can handle all gaming experiences so long as there is less graphical eye candy.
Stupid ****ing idea #3: Developer starpower = Game quality.
I've been seeing alot of this tripe lately with relation to Sakaguchi. For some reason, people tend to think that Starpower = good game. That simply is not true. One dev cannot ensure that a game is good, and one dev cannot sink a game by him/herself. Just because a dev has had success in the past, does not mean they will always get it right. Putting those kinds of expectations on one person is unfair.
Even Shigeru Miyamoto, the greatest dev of all time, messes up. Look at Geist.
Stupid ****ing idea #4: You have to play a game in order to earn the right to judge it.
I've been hearing this phrase alot: "Until you play the game you have no right to judge it."Yes I do; I have every right to judge games I have not played. That is why GS exists.
If I played every piece of **** that came along just so I could have the right to judge it, I would be ****ing broke.
Videos and previews are here for a reason. Let's ****ing use them.
At some point we have to use reviews to guide us; can anyone here afford to play every single game that is released?
Stupid ****ing idea #5: (insert game company here) actually cares about the gamer.
No they don't. They care about money as they well should. They don't give a flying **** about you personally unless you are cutting directly into their money making. Yes guys, even Nintendo. :roll:
Alright cats, that's my list. I'd love to see yours. Feel free to post your Stupid ****ing Ideas.
Just try not to kick a ****ing dog.
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