I just wasted too much time here during school 1st year. this year I just am cutting it out almost completely. Its not even addictive anymore now that everyone is getting ban and the new TOU suck ass.
The new TOU really has ruined this place. I come back nightly just to chat with the regulars here.
Since I spend my evenings writing and reading, coming to this place is easy and addictive. :P
Even though i partially agree you gotta admit that new TOU just gave us some good laughs at time. Me its mostly my inability at arguing, gaming wise, that keep me away from others topic. Except the obligatory random replies once in a while i just stick to the lounge instead.
Man, I use to debate like a fiend. I actually feel like over the years I really just started to not care to say the same thing each and everyday. New TOU is bad though, every 1 genuinely decent thread is destryed by 50 mediocore ones with people thinking that just because you "can" insult people, you "should" insult them.
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