@Zassimick: nice. I'll be grabbing a Samsung then. I've always heard that vizio praise too haha.
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Need 40 more EXP points to get to the next level in Velocity 2X, but I suck and I've maxed out, skill-wise.
The only thing I didn't like about Velocity 2X is the fact that you need exp points just to continue the story. I was so into the story and didn't know you need more points in order to continue is just stupid to me but I will say the game is fun for fast pacing and the music is great at that. Still have that game when it was still free on PS+
Need 40 more EXP points to get to the next level in Velocity 2X, but I suck and I've maxed out, skill-wise.
The only thing I didn't like about Velocity 2X is the fact that you need exp points just to continue the story. I was so into the story and didn't know you need more points in order to continue is just stupid to me but I will say the game is fun for fast pacing and the music is great at that. Still have that game when it was still free on PS+
I know, it's really bugging me too. Kind of works against what's been the point of the game so far, it just kills the momentum. Wanting to go back and replay previous missions is one thing, but HAVING to do so in order to progress is just annoying. Certainly makes me question if I want to finish the game bad enough to go back and grind on previous missions just to get enough XP.
Still, I'm really enjoying it. Certainly one of the better games I've played on the Vita.
Wow, today has not been a good day for me, gaming-wise. Velocity 2X, Hotline Miami and Chrono Trigger are all terrible games.
@khoofia_pika: hope everything is okay.
Thanks :)
It's more about lots of stupid little things annoying me than anything actually bad happening though. So I should be fine lol :P
I kind of like the characters in Xenoblade Chronicles X so far, just the voices and mouth animations are so out of sync it's not even funny.
Picked up Rogue Legacy super fucking cheap the other day. Decided to give it a go this morning before it vanishes into the bottomless pit of games I never play. And it went as follows.
And, now I'm going to play some more.
@ConanTheStoner: It has me by the balls lately too. I'm down to the last area boss. But I'll need to buff up a lot first.
@PikminWorld: at least the mouths move lol. Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne mouths don't even move. Pretty strange for such popular action RPG's but so minor that I don't see it as a negative because the story and characters are not the reason I play souls games.
Gravity Rush remaster is incredible. If anyone is playing the vita version just drop that and get the PS4 version. The perfect remaster. Controls are great, the visuals received a big upgrade and it's 60 fps goodness. Amazing game with amazing soundtrack just got even more amazing.
Gonna plat it again and look forward to the sequel.
Yeah, the hard and aggressive stat gating is the worst part about Rogue Legacy. Ended up doing a fair bit of throwaway unlock runs. Or straight up farms facerolling the easier areas that I was too powerful for. It was a strange, intentional design decision. I say intentional as there is literally a class in the game called a Miner that's dedicated to farming. Wasnt exactly a fan of that
I still liked the game alot. I loved how the movement/direction interacts with the simple swing of a sword, it makes its simple combat unusually satisfying. The curated room design was great in making each area challenging in a structured way.
I still remember my GOAT run where I scooped up like 3000ish coins while using a character with the trait that makes the screen upsidedown.
@a-new-guardian: I've given it a couple of tries, and I really hate Gravity Rush. It's at its best an average, unforgettable game outside of the art, at its worst downright offensive with a bad camera, and terrible combat.
Not asking this confrontationally, but if I were to spend $40 on buying a game I hate again, I would like to be convinced thoroughly about it. So... why should I buy Gravity Rush Remastered if I hated the original? I ask because I have contemplated buying it a few times, but I can never talk myself into it.
@charizard1605: good thing you didn't buy it again then. The remastered version has better visuals and frame rate and all the DLC. The controls feel better with the PS4 controller but I don't think that's going to change your opinion about it as your problem with the game can't be solved by new shiny graphics and better frame rate. The camera is still the same and it's an annoyance but I still love the game. The gravity powers are just great to use and you can get creative the more you play.
Stay with the vita version is what I recommend then my friend. because this remaster is for fans and newcomers.
@a-new-guardian: Makes sense, thank you for the advice! :)
Looks like I will hold out for Gravity Rush 2 then, and hope that it is the game that I wanted the first one to be
@charizard1605: anytime :D
the first game has some horrible main story missions that have no business being there and should be optional content and other issues I fully agree with that.
GR2 looks like to introduce new powers and hopefully they fix the main problems with the main missions and add some variety in there as opposed to the usual go there and clean out this area. The challenges for gold medals will test your ability and patience and will improve your control over the powers in the game.
His refusal to acknowledge ever having met 3PO in ANH after all those years he spent with him between Episodes I and II is deplorable
Man replaying Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor on PS4 is still the best Lords of the Rings games I ever play, wish they do a follow up for the Hobbits trilogy in Shadow of Mordor 2 if it ever get's made that is.
Gravity Rush remaster is incredible. If anyone is playing the vita version just drop that and get the PS4 version. The perfect remaster. Controls are great, the visuals received a big upgrade and it's 60 fps goodness. Amazing game with amazing soundtrack just got even more amazing.
Gonna plat it again and look forward to the sequel.
I was gonna get Gravity Daze/2 remaster on PS4 anyway since I don't have a Vita.
@davillain-: play Two Towers man it's the best LOTR game and one of the best games based on a movie.
@davillain-: play Two Towers man it's the best LOTR game and one of the best games based on a movie.
WHAT? You bois forgettin' Battle for Middle earth?! WHAT... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
Yo Kai Watch is very very annoying.
What makes you say that?
The game, I mean. Every time I find something about it I like, there seems to be two more things that are annoying.
Ladies and gentlemen of the System Wars, I have a question for you: what should I start my next smear campaign against? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Ladies and gentlemen of the System Wars, I have a question for you: what should I start my next smear campaign against? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Yo Kai Watch?
Ladies and gentlemen of the System Wars, I have a question for you: what should I start my next smear campaign against? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
A topic I've had milling in my head: "Do the Big 3 (Sony/MS/Nintendo) deserve such apologists?"
Haven't had the time to come up with all of the elements. Just strike against all three factions. Make enemies of everyone. No survivors.
Ladies and gentlemen of the System Wars, I have a question for you: what should I start my next smear campaign against? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Ladies and gentlemen of the System Wars, I have a question for you: what should I start my next smear campaign against? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Ladies and gentlemen of the System Wars, I have a question for you: what should I start my next smear campaign against? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Dark Fear. At least it'll get some kind of attention. >:(
Ladies and gentlemen of the System Wars, I have a question for you: what should I start my next smear campaign against? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Just continue your NyaDC campaign
R.I.P. Lemmy :(
I know you're one of many System Warriors that hate my ass, but I was going to post this after James Rolfe retweeted and posted the news. Damn shame to hear. :(
@davillain-: play Two Towers man it's the best LOTR game and one of the best games based on a movie.
I see you and raise you with Return of the King (PS2, GameCube, XBOX versions). The co-op (my god, I'm giving myself Lulu vibes) alone made it far superior to the Two Towers.
Ladies and gentlemen of the System Wars, I have a question for you: what should I start my next smear campaign against? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
PC master race
Star Wars
I'm so glad I dropped this shitty anime, and this is coming from someone who likes the original DBZ anime. Atrocious animation AND art along with nothing entertaining or interesting going on.
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