Intro - Willy105
Funny thing.
In our very first issue of System Wars Monthly, one year ago, our front cover was announcing that the PS3's big platformer, Ratchet and Clank Future, had miserably flopped with a 7.5. But now, one year later, on our first anniversary issue, we are announcing that the PS3's big platformer, LittleBigPlanet, has gotten a 9.0, officially AAA status and most surely not a flop. Things truly are changing.
System Wars is no exception. So many things have happened in System Wars in one year that it would normally be impossible to remember everything. However, that's where System Wars Monthly comes in. To celebrate our first ever anniversay, we will be reposting our greatest articles from our past issues! See the first ever System Wars: The Comic! See an interview with the System Wars Be... I mean Dares gang! The unveiling of System Wars: The Game! And lots more!
This is a special issue after all! The animals can't resist! This is SYSTEM WARS MONTHLY!
Weather Report - Tsug_Ze_Wind
Hello SW! I'm Tsug_Ze_Wind, and I'll be your weathersheep this evening.
First off, I'd like to congratulate the cows on getting their first AAAE. We heard a lot from the moofolk about this game, and now I guess we know why. Enjoy LBP, guys.
Now that that's out of the way...
Ooh! Aah! The pain! King has done a suplex! Jin has done....that Jin move! (It's been a while.) And the cows have that feeling once again! Tekken has jumped in!
Don't try to downplay this, guys. This is bigger than GTA (not really), bigger than FF13 (not really), and bigger than DMC! (eh, it's about even.) But it's not about the game itself, it's the fact that Tekken was the Playstation exclusive (consoleexclusive), and the last big one to jump ship. (Don't give me that Ratchet or GoW nonsense, you people and your PS2s.) Now I see why cows were hyping LBP so much. Out with the old, in with the new? Eh, Sackboy beats Crash anyday.
All I know is, I might have another reason to fix my 360. Eventually. Sometime.
I'd like to congratulate the lemmings on getting their first big game to hype in '09, Halo again--er, I mean Halo 3: Recon. Just kidding guys, I'm as excited as the rest of you. Kind of.
Now that that's out of the way...
Ooh! Aah! The pain! Peter Molyneux has done a suplex! Fable guy has done....that Fable guy move! (I've never played Fable.) And the lemmings have that feeling once again! Fable 2 has flopped!
Don't try to downplay this, guys. This is bigger, it's bigger than Too Human. So there. Deja vu and lack of Saolin prevents this one from being a total disaster, but you have to wonder if the same will apply to Killzone 2...
I'd like to congratulate the sheep on the good news that came from Nintendo's special conference. Punch-Out!!, Sin & Punishment 2, a (kind of) solution to their storage woes, and a funky new DS. It's like Christmas came early and was a little lame.
Now that that's out of the way...
Ooh! Aah! The pain! Miyamoto has done a suplex! Nintendo has done....that Nintendo move! (Um....sure.) And the sheep have that feeling once again! Wii Music exists!
...I sense a pattern here.
Summary: Storms on and off in cow territory, which doesn't matter, 'cause they're all staying inside and playing LBP. Lemmings also recieving erratic weather, but they're probably all staying inside and playing LBP too. Sheep probably aren't playing LBP if they're like me, but we are having a good laugh at the fact that the rival groups care more about Wii Music than we do.
System Wars: The Comic #20 - Willy105 and Darkspineslayer
The History of System Wars - JPOBS
See System Wars from the very beginning and how it got to be like it is now!
System Wars: The Game - Willy105
Play it now!
Max Payne Review - Steven Chicago
Metal Gear Solid: A History - Fabz_95
Metal Gear Solid... What a series... A series so great the latest game got AAAA! But how did the series start off?
Well it all started with the original game, Metal Gear Solid (Or MGS, created in 1998) on the PS1 and is a stealth action video game, created by the brilliant Hideo Kojima and was developed by Konami Computer Entertainment Japan. The game was the third Metal Gear game in the series (With Metal Gear on the NES) and is a direct sequel to Metal Gear Solid 2: Solid Snake which was made for the MSX2. But we'll talk about those games later.
The game was very original, including many cinematic qualities with great sound, voice acting and film like cutscenes. The game also has a great story, Solid Snake, a retired soldier who infiltrates a nuclear weapons facility to stop a threat from a renegade special forces unit, FOXHOUND. The game did brilliantly, selling over 6 million copies and scoring and average 94/100 on metacritic.
Metal Gear Solid 2 : Sons of Liberty, a direct sequel to the PS1 game, was again created by Hideo Kojima and was developed by Konami Computer Entertainment Japan. The game was released in 2001 for the PS2 and is the 4th Metal Gear game. Another edition of the game, Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance was released for not only the PS2 but the Xbox and for PC. The game followed the 1st and the story is about an offshore clean-up facility that has been seized by a group of terrorists, the Sons of Liberty. The game did even better than the Original, selling over 7 million copies and scoring 95% on Gamerankings.
To be continued next issue!
Interview of the Month - Darkspineslayer
Hey readers, This months interwiew is of none other than the mod you all know and love. Cakeorrdeath!
Plently of suprises here, from a troubled past with other moderations to his own name being a lie!
Read onwards... long have you been a user on gamespot?
I have been reading gamespot for a very long time but as for signing up and posting, since just before E306.
2.Why do you choose system wars as your main (general) board, the easy targets?
I posted on SW long before I became a mod. I started out on the E3 and dedicated platform boards but soon realised that the levels of activity and posting freedoms were much greater in System Wars.
System wars gets a bad rep for having a lot of disagreeable posters. However it also has some of the best, and amongst the repetitive or asinine threads will always be one or two gems.
3.something everybody may have wondered at some many hits on the moderation history,oh wielder of teh banhammer? XD
10 in total.One for trolling Subrosian for writing too much
. Another by an admin, when I was a brand new mod, for answering a question in ask the mods. He didn't recognise me and had a moment of mod tag blindness. I still tease him about it to this day.
The rest are mundane.
4. Do you enjoy your modship? what are the benifits and drawbacks to your status.
Mostly, there are certainly annoyances and downsides to it though.
The benefits are being able to immediately take action over pointless or trolling topics and users. And having a greater influence in the community.
The most obvious downside comes from some people's attitudes towards mods. People often view us in a negative light from the outset and for some reason believe we aren't allowed an opinion. "you can't say that your a mod" being my biggest pet hate. Older system wars posters will recall that I used to post a lot lot more than I do now. It's a lot more effort not as much fun these days.
5. Would you realy choose to die with the absence of cake?
My username actually came from a joke my favorite stand up comedian did. Believe or not I actually prefer pie.
6. Where do you stand in the system war.
On the outside looking in, wandering what all the fuss is about.
I like to debate, and I like the business side of things. You'll often find me in sales and numbers threads. But the review score comparison thing and which console is better for having a bigger list of exclusives I don't get at all.
7. You say you prefer pie, what one is the best...Apple or bannana creame?
Steak and Ale, good ol British Pie.
8. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Mind Control. The Power to have anyone do whatever I wanted sounds pretty cool.
I'd probably be a Super Villain.
That concludes my questions, thanks for your time
No Problem
Megaman 9 Review - Darkspineslayer
The year is 20XX----
----Do you know where your robots are?
Thats right folks, Mega man is back in black with his latest game in the cla$sic seris, Megaman 9. And if you've got yourself one hell of a rock you should know that this has been turning some heads for a reason...Capcom intentionaly limited themselfs to NES tech for this latest entry and made somthing that seems compleatly fresh while staying retro at the very same time. And to commemorate this event, your friendly neighborhood 'slayer is bringing you a full rewiew of the long lost NES title. Are you ready for this gamers of today? This is your daddys Gears of War.
So, i guess we shail start with the biggest thing about this game, again the grafics. While they can't be compared to crysis or uncharted, Perfectly emulating the NES limitations right down to the sprite flicker (optional i may add for the less enthusiast gamer) with modern tools just might have been a bigger acomplishment in developer design and forcing them to think outside the polygons. Megaman is hardcore, to the limit NES ****and while this won't be a game you'll need a bigass 1080P display to get the most of, it is impressive in its own way.
Now, onto the gameplay. As is standerd Megaman fair, the blue bomber gets thrown into the fire to take down about 8 robot masters. All for the purpose of getting armed to the teeth to go take down a crackpot evil genius. Sounds easy eh?
And thats the way the fans like it. Megaman has never had an easy time, but at least he has his slide and charge from megaman 3-8 right? wrong. Megaman has unexplainibly forgot those moves in his long hiatus. bringing you back to the basics of megaman 1 and 2. though people that would like to try the game with those moves can download protoman for a little extra. and yes, you did read Splash Woman in that first pic *shoulden't she be in the kitchen?* /sexism :P
Music is the same deal as the grafics for this title. if the NES coulden't pull it off than its out. some of the tunes stand with the best of them from the original saga, though none other than the theme is very memorable.
So now that all is said and done your probably asking, "but DSS, i own muliple consoles. what one should i get it for?" well its on all three major consoles in the respective download store for 800 MS points and 1000 Wii points, both equivelent to the $10 charged on PSN. Wii might look tempting because of the retro ****of the sideways Wiimote, while the Xbox live arcade might look appealing to boost your gamerscore. The PS3 version may or may not have remote play. regardless whatever you have, this game is worth the cash. the 360 D-pad works suprisingly well and this is one title you don't want to miss out on if you call yourself hardcore.
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