Summer is here! That means, to the most of you, freedom from the education for the time being (lest be you taking summer school). This month was big news for all fanboys alike as each company delivered to their repesentive fanboy group. So let's we have for you in this post-E3 atmosphere.
System Wars Special Report With Tsug_Ze_Wind
Hello SW! I'm Tsug_Ze_Wind, and I'll be your weathersheep.
E3 is a special time of year, when gamers of all kinds can come together and be disappointed. But for most, this year's E3 failed miserably at leaving them wanting more, not delivering on its usual promises of poor showings (unless Ubisoft counts). Instead, we got three great conferences from the Big Three and plenty of games, while keeping the tradition of hilarious self-ownage from past E3s. Hopefully E3 can learn from these mistakes and return to the same dull, useless event it once was, so we can go back to arguing about which company failed the least.
Here are your post-E3 opinion-facts.
--The majority of SW posters believe that Sony and the cows won E3, which is to be expected as the majority of SW posters are cows. In my opinion-fact, Sony LOST E3, albeit not by much. Not enough new games, and Sony's Lightbulb-On-A-Stick just looked downright pathetic, not only compared to the Wiimote but compared to MS' Project Natal. All of the conferences were great, but I'm saying that Sony's was the least great.
--The lemmings seem very confused about motion-sensing now. Some say it still sucks, while some say it doesn't suck now that the almighty MS has perfected it. Some are actually being logical, and waiting for some software, but logic has no place in SW. Speaking of logic, does anyone really believe anything Molyneux says anymore?
--Yes surprise, surprise, my pick for the winner of E3 is Nintendo. But you know what really convinced me? All of the haters straight-up pretending the big N's conference never happened. To be ignored is the biggest victory of all in SW, right hermits?
But seriously, S. M. G. 2.
So, where do we go now? Here's the forecast.
--Sony's been crusin' for a while, so they didn't need a strong E3. They got one anyway, so what's next? Let's just say, the age of the cows isn't going to end anytime soon. It would take another apocalypse (Read: E3 '06) to clear the cows out of SW now.
--Though MS gave the lemmings some ammo, there's very little to be excited about for the rest of '09. Expect the lemming population to decrease, at least until we near the end of the year.
--Motion+ is off to a great start: EA's latest Tiger Woods got AAA, a full point higher than the non-Wii versions. The next test is Wii Sports Resort, and I'm calling it: AA on Gamespot.
Until next time, Fox >>>>> LaBeouf.
Darkspineslayer's review of Rock Band: Unplugged
Rock Band: Unplugged
Platforms: PSP
Price: $40
aproximate size difference in the smaller periferials: 100%
Rock band unplugged is harmonixes first foray into the world of handheld gameing. and instead of trying to directly compete with there rival on the handheld front where they already have the popular on tour offshoot established, Harmonix tried to do something a bit different. First, something old....
Rock band unplugged is likened to the old PS2 titles Frequency and Amplitude, made by the same developer before they started the Guitar hero series. You play your instrument using the PSPs "Up, Right, Square and triangle", and yes that includes the singer. you hit notes using said buttons untill you nail a short phrase on an instrument. after you do that the instrument will lock into place and play on its own for awhile. now if you know nothing about the game, you might be asking what fun that is...well that fun is the something new
To work in the signature RB feel for unplugged, you'll not only be playing one instument, but all 4. you switch between them using the L and R buttons of the PSP and try to keep them from all failing out. another adictive feature that brings this system to the next level of hystaria is the survival mode. remember when i told you about freezing an instrument after a phrase...well not in survival mode. your task there is to play a whole song on all 4 instruments while keeping all 4 alive when all 4 always have notes going. its easier than it sounds and gets suprisingly adictive.
Dispite the game controling all three instruments the same way, they all still have there subtilties that make them different from the other. for example, on mic the notes will match the general pitch of the singer. on drums you won't be seeing any sustain notes and bass plays like a tame version of the guitar tracks (go figure)
Something borrowed...
Aside from about 6 timed exclusive songs, all the tracks in RBU are on the Rock band platform already either on one of the disks or DLC for the console versions. keeping true to the RB mentality of always being able to expand your music library, harmonix is offering DLC for the PSP. as of writing, a lot of the songs are ones you probably already bought on the PS3 or 360 and probably not much here to convence you to pay again to take inside the fire into survival mode. those familier with the World Tour mode of RB2 will be greeted with a familer sight here as well...
Something stew...
The verdict.
Rock band unplugged is an exelent effort by harmonix and even without a mini drum kit, this feels very much like Rock Band. and even through it lacks multiplayer the game is a bit long for a simple rental with about 40 songs. i say its worth your money, but only if your ready to rock! rythem game non-believers need not apply
The E3 Aftermath Verdict ~darkspineslayer
The aftermath
The Good, the bad and the giant enemy crabs of E3 2009
So E3 has come and gone. no longer are the cows all snug in there beds while visions of kratos dance in there heads. what was dubbed by a personal friend of mine to be the equivilent to christmas for gamers is now past. but did it deliver?
Lets start off with Microsofts conference, fairly strong lineup here. we started off with the opening cinimatic for the Beatles Rock Band in all its trippy glory, and the two surviving beatles making fools of themselfs on stage (Grafics are good!) XD
But when the two surviving beatles on stage is the low point of your showing, you know the conference was good. microsoft wasted no time in showing off some tony hawk ride and then swiftly moved onto announcments like Crackdown 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Splinter Cell conviction, Forza 3, and Halo Reach. not to mention dating several titles such as Halo 3 ODST. the megaton was still to come though.
i could explain it, but....
Several years away or not, you gotta admit Natal is freakin' sweet. Peter Molenuex gushing about how that woman was "REALLY CONNECTING" with Milo was a bit creepy, but awsome as well. i, as well as many others will be looking forward to this, with hopes they don't **** it up.
Next up, Nintendo...with a suprisingly strong showing this year!
Nintendo went full board out of the gate, probably not the greatest move considering the lackluster middle half of the conference but Nintendo wasted no time showing us an all new 4 player 2-D Mario title, New Super Mario Bros for Wii (working title, i hope). throughout the conference we were continualy pummled by the big man in red by Mario and Luigi:Bowsers inside story and Mario VS Donkey Kong 3. after a considerably lackluster part where they showed off casual titles such as Womens Murder Club:Games of passion, a fasion focused title for girls, Wii Sports Resort and the Wii vitility sensor (diden't they say we were done with the peririals?) Nintendo went full board core gamer focused again with Golden Sun DS, Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Teh megatons) and finaly, Metroid: Other M...
end nerdgasm.
And finaly, lets hear from sony...
*Insert shrugging cow here willy*
Sony had next to nothing that diden't get leaked. the only suprises were the PSP Go being priced higher than a freaking 360 arcade, Modnation racers and agent. the PSmote was cool, but it does the exact same thing as the Wiiremote with M+. guess what one is going to be more sucsessful. last notes are an extended, polished trailer for the last guardian (also leaked) and an expanded demo for God of war 3, along with a date
Overall, i believe that Nintendo had the best showing, but like Tsug said in his report the highest honor for System wars is to have the other fractions pretend it never happened. i'll give it to Nintendo, with MS in second and Sony in third. untill next year...
The Comic
Artist Unknown
"Have a piece of mind you wish to share to System Wars? A rant? A review? Send a PM to me (magiciandude) or anyone in the System Wars Monthly Community and we'll be sure to post in it the next issue (as long as it follows Terms of Service).
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