Tell me, my fellow System Warriors:
Why the obsession with companies going bankrupt and failing to meet their sales targets? All of this doomsday talk makes this forum seem rather tame compared with message boards on conspiracy theories.
Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo are all too big to fail. Even if they fail to meet sales targets here and there, they are not going away any time soon. Maybe one of them might sink in the future, but even then, we are talking about timescales that are beyond the interests of this forum (i.e., 10 years or more).
As for Sony:
1. Sony is not going to go bankrupt. They might be in a frail condition, but there is nothing in their financial statements to indicate that they are on the edge of collapse. And even then, I would be very surprised if the Japanese government doesn't find some way to bail them out.
2. The Vita will sell slowly in the US, at first. But, with time, I can easily see it smashing records, particularly as Sony delivers a price cut to the hardware and as more compelling games and apps roll out for it.
System Warriors, you must learn that success sometimes only comes with the passage of time. Remember when everyone was declaring Nintendo dead? Look at them now.
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