The premise of the wall of shame is its a thread with quotes from various system wars discussions where someone stated something obviously laughable and commonly disagreed with. This is NOT meant to be a flame war. It is just a collection of these *uninformed* quotes (to put it in a more gentle way).
I'll get the ball rolling with the first quote and add your quotes to the first post so hopefully we can get a nice wall going and have something we can refer to when we need a good laugh. Sorry I don't have the user name for the poster who made the first entry on the wall.
PC related quotes:
Halo 3 will be better than Crysis in all respects, just wait and see.Unkown
Xbox360 and PS3 come HD ready with no hassle, but how come we never hear of PC doing 1080p or even 720 or 480 anything?Wok7
A PC screen is not a PC screen, it's an accessory...Unkown
PC doesn't have any exclusives, no matter how long it takes, every single pc game gets ported the line down the line.PowerCharged
Mods are for cheaters, and is unecessary.PowerCharged
Red Orchestra - I don't like music gamesPowerCharged
who or what are the zergthug pikachu
Wii and Nintendo related quotes:
Nintendo doesn't make games fool, they publish them.cdawg
nintendo steals everyone's ideas so this isn't new news rr2Real
Xbox 360 related quotes:
halo 2 is the best game on Earthxbox_fan_boi
Gow proves that Crysis can run on XBOX360 better than on any PC.ALLIAMOS
Gears of War Will Have Frame Rate Issues. You can quote me on that.sonyfanboy4eva
Playstation 3 and Sony related quotes:
If Motorstorm does not score above a 9.7 I will shoot myself.Mastercharged
PS3 have more AAA titles than any other platform on the planet. some of them haven't even benn announced yet, the fact still remains that we have more AAA titles.PowerCharged
General (Dubious) Honorary quotes:
These people speak the truth, why are they in the Wall of Shame?!archpro
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