Namco annouced a Tales of graces bundle with both the Wii and the game but could this be a sign of an import with more content in the future on another system? too many questions, First,Tales of Symphonia was released bundled with the GameCube in 2003 then was ported to ps2 with extra content the year after, Second, as everyone probably know by now before Tales of Vesperia gets released on the 360 Namco annouced a bundle with the system and the game then was ported to ps3 with extra content and now the ps3 version is the best selling Tales game so far and because of that it could be that Namco now will start making games for ps3, anyone think this might be ported to ps3 next year with extra content? it could be on 360 tho i doubt that since ToV didnt do well on the system.
As always hope not old, just wanted to share this with everyone, your thoguhts?
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