From Gamespot:
Once in your party, monsters can fight in battle like any other character. To level them up, you'll need to cook them up a nice meal and feed it to them. Recipes can be learned from one of the many wonder chefs in the land of Sylvarant, just like in the original Tales of Symphonia. Feeding your monster food it likes will increase the stat bonuses it receives and the speed with which it levels up. Players tempted to, ahem, catch them all will find it quite difficult because there are more than 200 monsters in the world. As an aid to capture-philes, there is a place in Katz Village where you can store your monsters should you exceed the maximum party size of 10. Additionally, some monsters cannot be captured, but rather must be leveled up from weaker versions. A well-leveled monster can be as powerful as your human party members, so proper monster management will actually be a worthwhile endeavor.
Given the success of Tales of Symphonia, odds are good that Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World will be a solid contender on the Wii role-playing game scene. The new monster-capture system looks to add new depth to time-tested gameplay, giving Tales fans something new to look forward to when the game is released this fall.
Everyone is talking about JRPGs this morning so I though I would add one more.
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