Here's how you revive the Sonic Franchise....
1. Hand the series over to Dimps and let them make all future games in the series.
2. Make Sonic the only playable character.
3. Quit with idiotic gimmicks like guns, werehogs, andtelekinesis. If it doesn't add anything to the core gameplay of Sonic, it doesn't need to be in the game.
4. Allow Dr. Eggman to be the main villain again and not some idiot who revives yet another legendary creature that ends up betraying him in the end.
5. Each zone needs to have three acts with a battle against with a battle with Eggman at the end of Act 3.
6. Offer bonus missions and a ranking system for each act in the game.
7. Offer no less than 14 zones(the same number Sonic 3 & Knuckles offered.)
8. Use the daytime engine from the PS2/Wii versions of Sonic Unleashed for each act.
Sonic Unleashed on the PS2/Wii would have gotten higher ratings had the game not included the Werehog stages. Dimps had the right idea where to take the franchise, they just need the freedom to make the next Sonic game without the interference of Sonic Team.
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