Must we continuously be subjected to this shill? At least it's better than the AoE2 expansion thread which was flat out blatant advertising poorly disguised, with no relevance to the board in any way. I guess it's better than that...
So, you are board fascist now? trying to say what belongs and what doesn't. Get over yourself.
Since when did I make a thread about it recently? I mean in the last couple months? And is this thread about Life is Strange or is it about Batman: The Telltale series? Its the latter.
Once again, trying to get through you small brain, the reason why Life is Strange as well as other titles are mentioned is to compare this game to more successful competition.
And you aren't a pretentious idiot? Look at you, always commenting on my threads.
You loves you some Life is Strange, don't you. Can't stop talking about it. Now run along, pretentious asshat.
Also loved Dreamfall Chapters, which I also mentioned, as well as King's along now.
Oh goody, maybe you should make more threads about those too, and you can be even more of a pretentious douchebag. What, did Bioware break up with you, so you needed a rebound bro?
And you'll reply to those too, being a pretentious douchebag yourself. Like being a complete hypocrite?
Did I make you cry when I bashed your favorite game?
I never mentioned a favorite game, pretentious princess. Its cute that you take the bait every single time.
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