This is a list that I have made of the 10 most violent,gory,bloody and violent games ever made,the games on this list were chosen depending on a number of factors including,but not limited to: The amount of blood,gore and violence of course,along with the atmosphere and setting of the game,okay,enough talking,here's my list of the 10 most gruesome games:
10. Gears of war series
Why did I choose it?
Talk about sheer gore and violence,the gears of war series all contain cold-blooded chainsaw-ing and blood-pooling,but as some of you may ask,why it didn't rank higher in this list?Well simply because the gore and violence there happens for a reason,at least you're fighting as the good guy,unlike some games that will follow in this list..........
9. Ninja gaiden series
Why did I choose it?
The ninja gaiden series is both famous and infamous for it's graphic depictions of decapitations and blood-soaked violence,but what makes it even more brutal is that the insanelevel of challenge that accompanies it makes such gruesome combat tactics necessary to survive,now to the next game in the list....
8. God of war series
Why did I choose it?
There were lots and lots of violent and gory games before the god of war series,but noneonly a few of them had a hell of an antihero as Kratos,the guy's brutal,nasty and as immoral as they come,he almost cares about no one except himself and his revenge,that's why the god of war series fits comfortably in the 8th spot in this list...
7. Fallout series
Why did I choose it?
The fallout series all contain a crazy amount of limb-blowing and bloodshed,especially the 3rd one,but the ability to kill children in the 2nd one easily propelled this series into the 7th spot in this list.
6. Resident evil series
Why did I choose it?
These games are insanely scary and frightening,not to mention immeasurably gory,there are exploding heads,flying limbs,and,most importantly,the chainsaw beheadings in resident evil 4,which to this day are the goriest deaths in any game,and perhaps any other entertainment form.
5. Doom series
Why did I choose it?
The doom series was one of the main reasons along with themortal kombat series why the ESRB was founded,because of it's visceral gameplay,satanic setting,grotesque enemies and because it was the game that made first person shooters what they are today.
4. Mortal kombat series
Why did I choose it?
Well,these games were,as mentionrf earlier,the main reason behind the foundation of the ESRB,what more do I need to say?There are blowing limbs,decapitations,bloodshed,you name it,mortal kombat has it,not to even mention those completleygratuitous fatalities,which were mainly there just for the sake of violence.
3. Soldier of fortune series
Why did I choose it?
This series was designed literally to be as gruesome and gory as it could get,heck,even the bodies of enemies were modelled so that they could die in the most visceral and brutal way possible,ranging from blood fountains spraying from decapitated enemies to a pile of blood-soaked dead bodies,definitely the goriest first person shooter game series ever.
2.Grand theft autoseries
Why did I choose it?
Here comes the game series that have stirred up worldwide controversies and attracted the most attention from videogame haters,there are alot of games that are more gory and bloody than this,but no game ever has allowed players to go on chainsaw rampages and cop-killing sprees like these games did,definetely the most controversial game series ever.
1. Manhunt series
Why did I choose it?
Now here's a game series that took violence a bit further in videogames,the motto of these games is simple: play and kill as brutal as you can.Not doom,soldier of fortune,mortal kombat or ANY other game did manage to have the amount of violence and gore that manhunt had.ever.The violence in manhunt is different from any other game,it's employed just for "fun",not for any other reason,not for being the good guy or even the bad's almost completely gratuitous,from the gruesome crowbar-to-the-skull executions to the toilet executions,they are all gratuitous,not to mention it's deppression-inducing atmosphere and setting,which all definitely earn the manhunt series the 1st place as the most gruesome game series ever made.
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