VS LBP2, Socom 4, GT5... and all those multiplats which will be practically the same on both machines :o
Both PS3 and Xbox 360 have mostly sequels for their exclusives. Pretty much more of the same. Unless Last Guardian and the Agent gets released, Sony doesn't have much original exclusives. The Wii definitely has the better lineup. Even their franchise exclusives are hyped more. Games like Zelda, DKCR, Goldeneye 007. Dragon Quest IX and Metroid M are more anticipated then what Microsoft and Sony are offering. Nintendo even offered some original exclusives as well like Kid Icarus and Kirby Epic Yarn. Mario Sports Mix and Golden Sun are going to be huge sellers as well. I can see the point you are trying to make, but nearly all of those Nintendo titles are also sequels, or just more of the same. The titles you mentioned are nearly all existing IPs as well; I mean, there has now been something like 10 Zelda games, 8 or so Metroid games, and a good 3 or so DKC games.
I mean sure, GT5 and Socom 4, and Halo Reach are all exisiting old IPs, but something like LBP2; it is a sequel, but it is only the second game unlike how long IPs such as Mario has been dragged on for.
Not saying some of these games aren't sequels, but many of them haven't seen the light of day in over 8 years. When was the last time we saw Goldeneye 007 or Donkey Kong Country? A whole lot longer then Halo, Socom, and even GT5. Games like Kid Icarus and Kirby haven't had a game on a consoles for many years. They are more anticipated then Socom or LBP2. That's what I'm talking about.
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