well all groups of fanboys are bad but honestly when reading the crap 360 fanboys posted this gen makes me smile...
1) They bashed Sony for having their PSN service hacked resulting in a few weeks without service, yet they somehow excused MS for releasing a system with such a high failure rate.. Having an extended warranty is by no means enough reasong for nobody in releasing a faulty hardware..
2) Back when 360 was releasing a considerable amount of exclusives they bashed PS3 or sometimes Wii for quantity/qaulity in terms of exclusives, but since 2008 apparently its all about multiplats :)
3) Many laughed at the Wii stating motion controls are for kids, but hey now that MS shifted all its focus on kinect and its causal appeal, now fanboys are listing Kinect exclusives when comparing lists..
4) They talk about costs bashing PS3 high price tag, forgetting that 360 wasnt the cheapest console upon release and the added costs for Live seem to be always forgotten..
5) They brag about superior multiplats even if differences are minor compared to PS3 yet do their best to exclude the fact that PC has these same multipalts looking/performing better..
etc etc
I enjoy gaming on my 360, its a great console but the hate PS3 has been receiving lately from 360 fanboys/trolls is ridiculous.. ooohh btw while i'm not saying all 360 owners are the same, those well known posters that clearly 'favour' PS3 always back up these PS3 hate threads, they just are more diplomatic or 'elegant' in their comments/posts...
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