Not having to actually build a rig to play it. :) Look at so many PC exclusive games like The Sims 3, I guarantee most console gamers here can run games like it on the computer they are using right now.
Or look at the "Most Played/Popular" PC games according to the GS main page, top three are: WoW, FM 2011 and SC 2. All these games can be run on most not-ancient computers out there.
So many great exclusive PC indie games are just as accessible to console gamers as well, this is why PC gaming is so great. On a side note, all console-only gamers here should go check out the great PC exclusive Gemini Rue. ;)
I wouldn't be surprised if plenty of people here can run Amnesia too!
The problem is some people here might claim this accessibility does sort of defeat the purpose of building a rig. Some might even claim that this accessibility is a weakness because if you already have a laptop for work/school, getting a console would be the best choice because you would have access to console exclusives and multiplats and a good amount of great indie/blizzard PC exclusives as well. Anyways, I don't know what to think of this last part.
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