@boxrekt: In other words you can't explain why Sony fans are more interested in multi-platform games than exclusives?
@boxrekt: In other words you can't explain why Sony fans are more interested in multi-platform games than exclusives?
No, I just don't need to follow the arguments of someone desperately attempting to deflect the conversation to something they feel they can nitpick to not address the actual issues
I'll give you this much Mr. Deflection. This thread isn't about "Sony" or "Sony fans"...it's about PS4 and Xbox sales multiplatform/Exclusive and Exclusive. So it's Sony AND xbox fans that have to be addressed here!
I understand you're trying to deflect the conversation to leave MS out of your question which is idiotic to begin with and also shows you don't want to deal with actually addressing MS's issue in the situation.
"Bu but Sony fans" lol You guys will always be clowns and slaves to your obsession with Sony and Sony fans which is why Xbox as a brand will always be a failure.
@boxrekt said:This thread isn't about "Sony" or "Sony fans"...it's about PS4 and Xbox sales multiplatform/Exclusive and Exclusive.
@boxrekt said: Xbox fans are apparently very close minded and don't put their money where their mouth is.
@boxrekt said: Xbox fanboys on this board will tell you Sony only do the same game...
@boxrekt said: MS doesn't believe in taking chances on original AAA games with their narrow minded fanbase.
Its seems you are pretty talkative about Xbox fans, so I would like your insight on Sony fans being more interested in multiplatform games than exclusives.
So now we all know why I call whitney, Whitney because he gets “so emotional” about his entertainment system,and we all accept that sales don’t concern gamers and are used as damage control by 1 system fanboys on SW
Good now let’s talk about how sad 1 system,non-gamers who use how hot, how loud, how big and even how a console looks as ammo HaH
I’m here to mock you
Don’t get my mocking mixed up with caring kid HaH
You cared enough to mock which costs some energy. You don't waste energy on something you don't care about. Which is why you don't post in every single thread. You're not winning this one. Sorry.
So now we all know why I call whitney, Whitney because he gets “so emotional” about his entertainment system,and we all accept that sales don’t concern gamers and are used as damage control by 1 system fanboys on SW
Good now let’s talk about how sad 1 system,non-gamers who use how hot, how loud, how big and even how a console looks as ammo HaH
I’m here to mock you
Did you make that up? I feel like you made that up.
Bluestars took this thread on a weird ride...
So now we all know why I call whitney, Whitney because he gets “so emotional” about his entertainment system,and we all accept that sales don’t concern gamers and are used as damage control by 1 system fanboys on SW
Good now let’s talk about how sad 1 system,non-gamers who use how hot, how loud, how big and even how a console looks as ammo HaH
I’m here to mock you
I think we should call you Bobby Brown.
I see COD is dead. You guys did it!!!
Everyone: COD is relevant again! DAT LOOK GOOD!!!
Activision: "Not so fast!" ~Adds lootboxes and exclusivity.
Everyone: COD is relevant again! DAT LOOK GOOD!!!
Activision: "Not so fast!" ~
Adds lootboxes and exclusivity.
Define, "relevant"
There’s no numbers given in these charts. I posted an article not that long ago that said Uncharted 4 has passed 15 million. No way God of War or Spider-Man have passed it yet.
This is NPD only , and NPD does not count free pack-in bundles (or any bundles) as a software sale for that game. But Sony does count them as a software sale.
Uncharted 4 was a free pack-in bundle / bundle for a good amount of time in the US. The Last of Us Remastered and The Uncharted Collection also had free pack-in bundles/bundles for a good chunk of time if I remember correctly. NPD does not count those as software sales. Sony does.
Also NPD is dollar sales , and Sony's numbers are unit sales. Something to keep in mind.
Damn Whitney,you still following me around son, look if I knew you would turn into an obsessed “emotional dribbling wreck” because I inflicted a huge L on you I may have let it slide,
Try reading posts properly, it may stop your ass getting dragged through 4 SW topics
“It’s shocking what love can do”
@goldenelementxl: Funny how the best selling CoD was the one people were trying to cancel because it was not "historically accurate".
Wrong. That was battlefield 5 and you can see what happened to that in both downward sales and respect. it really was historically inaccurate in the campaign, replacing a whole regiment of Norwegian men with a woman and her daughter for "progressive" virtue signaling of the feminists journos and soy kin. Like two untrained civilians could do the same job of trained soldiers. COD ww2 didn't ham up the campaign, the multiplayer had women but it didn't distract like battlefield and they didn't allow all the Bullcrap 420 and neon colored fluff that infinitate and blops had. I personally loved Cod ww2, but still think waw was better. Battlefield V on the other hand
The problem with battlefield is they made the campaign historically inaccurate and promoted in the trailer stupid fortnite loot box and other things. They toned that back due to backlash or you would of seen neon colored mp40s with weed stickers and 420 logos. They kept the inacturate campaign though.
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