@leandrro said:
@always_explicit said:
Just wait for GDC and the unavailing of DX12 on the Xbox one!
This performance gap will be closed for sure.
no no no, the cloud will do that
no the cloud is BS
the second layer of GPU will do that, no also BS
wait, the new drivers will do that, oh no BS also
aha!!! dx12 will do that, will transform a 1,1 teraflop machine into a 2 teraflop machine
Lame comment, No Dx 12 will not transform a 1.2 terraflop machine into a 2 terraflop machine but it will cut down the resources the GPU uses in certain areas which will free up resources for the GPU in other areas, it will not increase the powertthe GPU can output but it WILL increase the amount of workload the GPU will be able to handle.
You just have to look at the OS problem with the Ps3, when the Ps3 was first released it had an overbloated operating system, SONY decreased the OS size which gave more useable RAM to developers, the 360 had the benefit of always having more USEABLE RAM than the Ps3 because it always had a lower OS footprint.
You cannot make a console more powerful with Software optimisations but you CAN Lower overhead costs and Free up more resources For the GPU, CPU and RAM and thus increase the workload the hardware can produce.
Actually learn about this stuff before jumping in with lame asanine comments dude
'Sony has reduced the size of the Operating System to a mere 50MBs. Broken down, 7MBs comes from local memory, while 43MBs comes from the main memory. Developers have long criticized Sony and the incredibly large memory footprint for some time now, and those have been warranted. Microsoft’s Xbox 360 has reserved, and stayed with only 32MBs of memory allocation. The more memory developers can play with is better.'
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