Nintendo, who doesn't love them for Mario, and Zelda? I sure do, but recently Nintendo has been spitting out these "CASUAL" gamer games. Now yes, I can't say that Rayman Raving Rabbids, or Boogie by EA doesn't look cool, but the problem I have is the way that they just won't stop coming out. It's like I'm swimming in them, and there are some good hardcore games that are in there, but it's so difficult to find them! Nintendo however is coming out with some great hardcore games this year and next, for exzample:
- Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass
- Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
- Medal of Honor: Airbourne
- Residnt Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles
- Super Mario Galaxy
- Super Mario Kart
- Super Paper Mario
I find the fact that 3/7 of those titles were mario, stangely odd.
The CASUAL games that Nintendo is coming out with this year do look, OKAY. Such as Wii Fit, Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 (if you're a fan of the series), and Boogie as I already mentioned. As you can see, I dont really have to much of a complaint for this as much as one of the things you put into a suggestion box.
- No more games entirely made from mini-games
- Nintendo, stick with what really works for you, but do it less, and add in more of us.
That was the Joe Jefferies Complaint of the Day!
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