Yes, let me leave SW since you commanded me to do so. :) As for me sounding like an *ss, we should hang out some time. I'm so much nicer when you get to know me. Then again, there is a method to my madness.
Anyways, to the main point: You cannot compare Sacred 2 with Diablo 2 since both play differently, both have very different paces, and both approach the system of hotkeys very differently. Imagine shuffling between not only spell hotkeys but potions in D2 with a pad at the highest level of play in the game. You'd be dead since the game was not designed for a controller. Lets look at another game, like TF2. Some classes on TF2 are simply unplayable on a gamepad (Spy), while they play perfectly with the kb/m. Know why? Much like D2, TF2 was made with the kb/m in mind. L4D (according to friends who has both the 360 and PC versions) is actually made to be easier on the console due to the handicap in reaction speed a controller has when compared to a mouse (analog gates vs laser precision).
Again, like I stated before in another post, the argument here is what is possible vs what is ideal. Is it possible for Blizzard to dumb down Diablo 3 so console players can play? Sure, however, is it ideal for them to dumb down one of their key franchises? Well, if it were ideal, Diablo 3 would be closer to Sacred 2, not Diablo 2. :PRedmoonxl2
First let me say that I completely agree with you about Diablo 3 coming to consoles. I personally DON'T WANT it to. Because I like the precision of a mouse and keyboard.
The biggest thing Blizzard would have to adjust is the belt. Instead of stacks of potions that you could combine in different ways they'd have to make a dedicated potion button for healing and mana and then implement a smart system where the game would know the best potion to use in each system (this however is not that hard).
Taking the Xbox 360 controller for example: RT - attack, LT - action key (or programmable), A - health potion, B - Mana potion, X - teleport, Y - Switch run / walk. LB & RB would be hot key activators that allows you to program in spells with combo's like LB + A, RB + X. You could even I suppose allow for LB + RB + A combos if you really needed. The D-Pad would allow for inventory access and skill / spell trees.
This was just off the top of my head. I'm sure the creators could come up with even better controls for a console controller. No my idea might not perfectly replicate the PC experience but I don't really see it as a huge "dumb down" of gameplay.
Even though it could happen though, doesn't mean it should. I'm of the personal opinion that Blizzard games should remain on PC's.
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