If they were taking questions I'd have asked when the ps5 remaster one is coming out.
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I don't get hyped about games anymore. Oh and about everybody gone to rapture, what did yaa expect? its the chinese room. They managed to ruin the sequel to amnesia. sigh. :(
Have you followed this E3? There were tons of games shown.
And I should get hyped about them because?
When Sony showed the dullest, most boring, disappointing demo for The Last Guardian this E3...after so many years of anticipation, excitment and even doubt, i saw everything being shattered with that demo...didn't help that we got yet another tentative release date.
Probably the Aliens: Colonial Marines train wreck was one of the worse ones last gen, especially for me as I had high hopes for the game. One of the few games I always wanted for years and years, a fucking amazing Aliens game. Hell, I even saw Randy Pitchford giving a presentation at PAX years back, saw a live demo of the game being played and it looked amazing. I was assured that the final game would have been an exceptional one I barely followed any developments, new videos and such until just before the game released as I didn't want to spoil much for myself. Then I noticed oh how so wrong things went I didn't get the game when it launched I waited to see what reviews had to say. Only hours after midnight launch were key figures at Gearbox, Sega, TimeGate, were passing blame around, so much so that before the sun rose the next morning there was already a coherent narrative on the internet of what went wrong with the game.
My hype has never been killed by an announcement, but the game actually coming out and not being good. The one that guaranteed I would keep my personal excitement in check is Halo Reach, specifically the campaign. When Halo 2's campaign sucked? Whatever they rushed it, Halo 3 is when Bungie will learn their lesson. Halo 3 sucked, but whatever ODST is a smaller team, they'll learn their lesson. ODST was a boring snooezefest shooting gallery that is basically harbinger for the level design found in Destiny. It's okay Reach is their last hurrah, no flood, the elites are back, the brutes have been backed down, the multiplayer doesn't sound like it'll be a boring br fest with a shit net code like Halo 3, but glorious fun like Halo 2. This is it, the beta was fun in spite of that bloom shit...game comes, the campaign is average at best.
It was a giant circle jerk by Bungie to themselves for being ordinary, for never pushing the envelope or showing any ambition. And then fucking armor lock. **** that game's campaign, not the multiplayer though, I can't bring myself to dislike Halo multiplayer. Except 4, **** 4.
when i heard there was a new metroid i was like hmmm interesting and i watched that trailer and a few seconds in after recovering from the shock, any interest i had was gone.
I think DG9 or 10 was announced as an action RPG but then switched to turn based, that curbed my enthusiasm quite a bit.
You should be punished for trusting Ubisoft. That's the reason, I didn't take their E3 conference seriously this year as well. Their every game is over hyped and ends up looking and playing like a turd (very few exceptions).
@Mozelleple112: That's kinda how I feel about Final Fantasy XV really. While the verdict is still out on the gameplay, I really can't how the main character looks like such a stupid emo ***. That character design is so obnoxious =.=
The most disapointing hype kill for me was Resident Evil 5. I was DYING to play this game and I even preordered that fucking $90 collectors edition. Tbh I knew I was expecting way too much out of this game but still, I couldn't believe that Capcom turned RE into such a bland and generic action shooter.
Hell I still think that the game's first reveal trailer from '07 actually looked a lot better than the actual game that we got.
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