I have a 360 and PS3 and love them both, but I buy all FPS games on the PS3 because the 360 controller sucks for FPS games due to its dead zone. The dead zone is related to the sensitively of the left stick. With the left stick on controllers in FPS games, if you move it a tiny bit, nothing happens (this is the dead zone) and if you move it a little more, it only creates a little movement (and progressively more as you move it further). This is done so that your character doesn't swing around like crazy with just a small movement of the stick. The problem is that the dead zone on the 360 is way too large, so that you can't make quick, fine movements and are limited to much bigger broad movements. The PS3 dead zone is much smaller, allowing very quick and fine movements. The result is that on the 360, FPS games play really noobish for everyone, whereas on the PS3, if you are good, you can really dominate and play well. The playing field basically gets really levelled out on the 360 as no one can make quick fine movements and be really good compared to others, while on the PS3, if you are really good, you can make quick, fine movements and dominate. For example, zooming in on a scope attachment, you can precisly get a head shot at a long distance (if you have stable hands and good focus) to an extent that is simply not possible on the 360. I bet if you take any really good FPS player and have him play online on the 360 and then on the PS3, he/she will do way better on the PS3. Before anyone gets too upset at this opinion, try playing the same FPS on both systems. I think this should be getting more attention and reviewers should mention it when reviewing a FPS that is avaialble on both system.
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