On paper the PS3 controller has some nice goodies
It's just a shame it doesn't actually fit the hands like a glove as the 360 controller does.
The 360 controller is far better to use for most games.
I agree 100%.
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I'm not a PC gamer so I can't comment on how much better the KB+M is, but I don't understand how people can say the DS3 analogues are better for FPS over the 360 controller.. The only thing I think is better on the DS3 is the DPad, but it's also one of the least used aspects of the controller in most games. For fighters I'll use a fightpad (or Arcade stick if I wasn't cheap).
me: plays skyrim nudges stick one quarter of a mm and moves lockpick so slow it takes a full 60 seconds to get to one side.
me: laughs at bullshyt topic.
PS3 controller is much more precise, I always go for headshots with a PS3 controller in my hand.
With a 360 controller I am much less confident of making headshots.
[QUOTE="Riverwolf007"]i know! its amazing how accurate the stick is on this mini-game, the tiniest movement is do-able, you nailed it coming up with that. Yeah same on GT5, a 1mm movement on a very long straight bit of track moves you in the direction pushed, it's so obvious deadzone is mostly a developer thing.me: plays skyrim nudges stick one quarter of a mm and moves lockpick so slow it takes a full 60 seconds to get to one side.
me: laughs at bullshyt topic.
360 has a good controller, it is very comfortable.
All I am saying is that (purely technically) the PS3 controller is more precise.
It has a smaller deadzone, and shooting is much faster.
For first-person shooters, the 360 controller feels awesome, I like the deep triggers.
Cool...TC has a controller preference...well worth the wasted bandwidth to read.
Oh look the usual cows have come in and said how sucky the Xbox controller is, and how godly the DS3 is. That if Zeus created a controller for the gods it would be the DS3.....etc..etc....
On the other side of the coin the usual Lems have chimed in with how great the Xbox controller fits your hand (it does), how the triggers are better (they are), etc...etc.
The only thing missing so far is the PC gamers piping in with how much better everything looks on the PC, and how much better the kb/m set up is for controlling all games...etc...etc..
I think most people agree the 360 controller is better for the majority of games, of course if you only own a PS3 then you'll think differently. Despite the PS3 being a shooter console I hate its controller for shooters.blue_hazy_basicIs this post series? It just cant be. You really couldn't have been more backwards ass twisted if you had tried lol. First of all, No, most people don't agree, and there are MANY MANY that prefer the DS3 to the 360 controller, like me and others in this thread! And lastly, And this is the down right most insane backwards statement you made. The 360 has nothing but shooters! The 360 IS the shooter console if anything. For you to make such a backwards statement, like that, well you clearly are an idiot and or a troll I award you negative 5 points for that awful post sir! In fact you should be banned alone for saying such a dumb statement!
I have a 360 and PS3 and love them both, but I buy all FPS games on the PS3 because the 360 controller sucks for FPS games due to its dead zone.
The dead zone is related to the sensitively of the left stick. With the left stick on controllers in FPS games, if you move it a tiny bit, nothing happens (this is the dead zone) and if you move it a little more, it only creates a little movement (and progressively more as you move it further). This is done so that your character doesn't swing around like crazy with just a small movement of the stick.
The problem is that the dead zone on the 360 is way too large, so that you can't make quick, fine movements and are limited to much bigger broad movements.
The PS3 dead zone is much smaller, allowing very quick and fine movements.
The result is that on the 360, FPS games play really noobish for everyone, whereas on the PS3, if you are good, you can really dominate and play well.
The playing field basically gets really levelled out on the 360 as no one can make quick fine movements and be really good compared to others, while on the PS3, if you are really good, you can make quick, fine movements and dominate.
For example, zooming in on a scope attachment, you can precisly get a head shot at a long distance (if you have stable hands and good focus) to an extent that is simply not possible on the 360.
I bet if you take any really good FPS player and have him play online on the 360 and then on the PS3, he/she will do way better on the PS3.
Before anyone gets too upset at this opinion, try playing the same FPS on both systems.
I think this should be getting more attention and reviewers should mention it when reviewing a FPS that is avaialble on both system.
YOu Sir, deserve a big Cigar. I've been thinking of this for months. I used to play PC FPS, and the lame dead zone on the 360 has been driving me nuts!
Imagine a mouse where it lags out for a whole square inch in between moving up/down/left/right; you'd throw said mouse in the bin.
The "dead zone" on the 360 controller is HUGE. Funny though I notice I can't seem to miss on Halo Reach, auto-aim FTL!
Finally a reasonable poster who's in touch with reality. Thank you! You deserve that cigar too! Its a shame though that I had to wade through a sea of mad lemtards first. And there probably will be more mad lem tards going ballistic over this thread- with only a couple few and good reasonable posts sprinkled throughout here and there, unfortunately :( Some act like the 360 controller was made by Jesus himself! lol its crazyPeople always whine about these two, and in reality they only have one solid concrete advantage over each other. The ps3 has the obvious dpad, and the 360 has the triggers. Even then, the 360 dpad is virtually useless since the joystick does actually work rather well for fighters, and the ps3's triggers pretty much aren't used for shooters anymore, and are pressure sensitive.
Meanwhile, there is the "deadzone" for 360, but the ps3 is always a bit too "swishy". Besides, kb/m is better, so who gives a rats lol? What it really comes down to is what fits your hands better, and there isn't a decisive choice there. There can't be.
The 360 controller is the best for first person shooters because of the locations of the sticks. Do you people have to look at every detail of all this stuff and complain about it?
My biggest problem with the 360 gamepad is the triggers (in shooters at least, they are godly for racing games). They require so much travel distance in order to make a single shot, while the R1 button on the DS3 can be mashed like any other button. Making semi-auto guns into nearly-auto guns (mmm MK14).foxhound_foxlol you've obviously never seen me use pistols or single shotweapons on call of duty games with a 360 controller than...Of which I used to constantly be accused of using a modded controller...maybe you just aren't good at using them.
I have a 360 and PS3 and love them both, but I buy all FPS games on the PS3 because the 360 controller sucks for FPS games due to its dead zone.
The dead zone is related to the sensitively of the left stick. With the left stick on controllers in FPS games, if you move it a tiny bit, nothing happens (this is the dead zone) and if you move it a little more, it only creates a little movement (and progressively more as you move it further). This is done so that your character doesn't swing around like crazy with just a small movement of the stick.
The problem is that the dead zone on the 360 is way too large, so that you can't make quick, fine movements and are limited to much bigger broad movements.
The PS3 dead zone is much smaller, allowing very quick and fine movements.
The result is that on the 360, FPS games play really noobish for everyone, whereas on the PS3, if you are good, you can really dominate and play well.
The playing field basically gets really levelled out on the 360 as no one can make quick fine movements and be really good compared to others, while on the PS3, if you are really good, you can make quick, fine movements and dominate.
For example, zooming in on a scope attachment, you can precisly get a head shot at a long distance (if you have stable hands and good focus) to an extent that is simply not possible on the 360.
I bet if you take any really good FPS player and have him play online on the 360 and then on the PS3, he/she will do way better on the PS3.
Before anyone gets too upset at this opinion, try playing the same FPS on both systems.
I think this should be getting more attention and reviewers should mention it when reviewing a FPS that is avaialble on both system.
YOu Sir, deserve a big Cigar. I've been thinking of this for months. I used to play PC FPS, and the lame dead zone on the 360 has been driving me nuts!
Imagine a mouse where it lags out for a whole square inch in between moving up/down/left/right; you'd throw said mouse in the bin.
The "dead zone" on the 360 controller is HUGE. Funny though I notice I can't seem to miss on Halo Reach, auto-aim FTL!
Finally a reasonable poster who's in touch with reality. Thank you! You deserve that cigar too! Its a shame though that I had to wade through a sea of mad lemtards first. And there probably will be more mad lem tards going ballistic over this thread- with only a couple few and good reasonable posts sprinkled throughout here and there, unfortunately :( Some act like the 360 controller was made by Jesus himself! lol its crazyLOL I've never seen 3 posts with so much moronic crap in them.
I completely agree. The 360 sticks are so blocky and stiff. My movements on the ps3 are flawless because of the smaller dead zone and little tension. I bought the MLG controller thinking that the analog sticks would be on par with the ps3 analog sticks. Boy, was I wrong. The dead zone is huge, making twitchy movements impossible.hammakaze
I guess you created this account to protect you real one from getting moderated. Am I right?
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