What with the scores of Uncharted and Mass Effect, could it be that the golden age of the Role Playing Game is over? Remember way back when the RPG was still on the PC, when the greats first came out? The first game to revive the genre was, without a doubt, the classic Fallout. It's quirky humor and dry wit, set improbably in a post-apocalyptic United States, garnered the game near-universal acclaim. Following it came the universally praised Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, and the very entertaining Neverwinter Nights, Morrowind and Oblivion. But now, one of the biggest names in RPGs has released its most ambitious project to date, to a lukewarm reception from the reviewer community ... are we seeing the demise of the role playing game?
God I hope it isn't true!
If it is I will be very sad. The RPG is one of the best ways to lose oneself in an engrossing story, to really feel for a set of characters in a way that a shooter, racer, or sports game can't. Remember how you felt when Aerith died? Or when Jon Irenicus taunted you with that deliciously evil voice of his? While I am a huge Halo 3 fan, sometimes I just want to sit down with a quiet RPG and get lost in its wonderful tale. It's the video game version of a novel, in my opinion. Done well, it can do for a gamer what almost no other genre can.
But besides the one massive success of the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, we haven't seen a single RPG this year that comes anywhere near a decent score. Two Worlds was an absolute joke. Enchanted Arms wasn't much better. Folklore was decent, but had a raft of odd design decisions that ulitmately detracted from its charm. And now the best hope of RPG lovers everywhere has just flopped ... what happened?
To be frank, I must admit that I'll probably not give two cents what Gamespot says, Mass Effect is still a 10.0 to me, just because it's being released by Bioware, who has released more of my favorite games than any other company (Baldur's Gate series, Icewind Dale series, Jade Empire, Neverwinter Nights, KOTOR). I'd pick it up tomorrow even if it had recieved a 1.0 here, so in retrospect, I guess I'm not as disheartened as this post might indicate. Still, I'm saddened. If even Bioware can't release a AAA RPG, who can? Here's to hoping Bethesda comes out with the Elder Scrolls V: L33TSAUC3 and get a perfect 10.0.
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