Current and future prospects for the 360 do not look good at all... Games that used to be 360 exclusives have jumped ship to other platforms, games like Oblivion, Gears Of War, Bioshock and now Mass Effect and there aren't allot of exclusives coming out in the future either, all I can think of is Too Human, NG2, Fable 2 and the two racing franchises. The 360 has been selling very well in North America but in the rest of the world it's been a distant third. According to VGChartz the PS3 has been outselling the 360 in total worldwide sales for many weeks now and the Wii much longer than that and this will probably continue due to intense competition from Nintendo and Sony and declining demand in the 360. In 2008 the PS3 will have tittles such as MGS4, KZ2, GT5, LBP, Haze, Heavy Rain, L.A. Noir, Motorstorm 2 and possibly FFXIII. I think most of the people who want an Xbox 360 already own one but you definitely can't say that about the Wii and PS3. There are still Wii shortages so you now there's still demand out there for it, as for the PS3 With all the games coming out listed above along with another price cut or two in 2008 demand will skyrocket for the PS3 as more and more of that HUGE PS2 owner base makes the transition to the PS3. The 360's prospects for 2008 and beyond don't look good when you combine declining demand with only a handful of exclusives left on the system and intense competition from competitors.
Here's a great article about the decline of the Xbox 360 since launch, read it if you want to know the truth...
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