We are certainly happy that you guys have no life and do nothing but sit on your butts all day and play video games and argue about which system is the best like you actually profit off of us. We were actually not surprised that a petition was created by Sony fans because, let's face it, they have nothing better to do related to the fact their chosen system has no games for them available to play. We actually expected to recieve voice messages but forgot their system did not come with a headset. I guess the online petition is the best bet since they no longer have money to buy an envelope and stamp due to the PS3's high price point. The decision to make the game multiplat. was based on the fact that we wanted to sell more than 10 copies for the 10 fans who purchased the PS3. Even though your PS3 experience will be a direct port from the 360 doesn't mean you can't play it. So, quit your whining go watch The Ballad of Rick Bobby (again), and keep sending those petitions because they really do benefit our company....we ran out of toilet paper.
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