[QUOTE="subrosian"][QUOTE="NextGenNow"][QUOTE="subrosian"][QUOTE="Infinatey"] 1. Daxter (jak and daxter game)
2. Ratchet and Clank: size matters
3. Ace combat X: Skies of deception
4. devil may cry
5. God of War
6. several FF games
7. Gran Turismo
8. killzone: liberation (much better than the PS2 game)
9. loco roco game
10. Some Metal Gear Solid games
11. Monster Hunter
12. syphon filter
14. 2 tales games
15. Twisted Metal game
And many other, greater/lesser titles. This was sony's 1st handheld....and they did very well (for their 1st time), and have been the 1st of many companies to do some real damage to nintendo in this area. Nintendo has always dominated this area.....finally, some nice competition.
No matter how big these titles they may be....nintendo has some powerful trump cards of their own. Pokemon comes to mind...which is the 2nd-most-sold franchise in history. And mario games (1st most-sold-franchise in history). Anyway.....I'm actually thinking of buying a PSP because of these games or a DS with pokemon diamond/pearl....I'll think about it
if I want 1 or not]).
And they absolutely blew it by limiting the CPU speed to 222mhz for 3rd party titles, only having one crappy analog "nub", and launching for way too much money and then being slow to price cut. Titles I'd rather be playing on my new HDTV / surround sound combo? No thank you?
I admit, the PSP has become a lot more tempting - I have a DS, and I've just grown a bit bored with it now that I'm done with Portrait of Ruin. With the new Pokemon games coming out though, I don't see the need to get a PSP - Pokemon is the kind of game series you can obsess over - money well spent.
I think the early problem with the DS was that it didn't have a lot of games like Pokemon that were addictive games you wanted to play anywhere you went. The PSP has really held that problem its entire lifespan. If the PSP had a game out like a direct port of FF7 or FF8 I would buy it in a heartbeat.
Dude, PSP is the better handheld period. I had a DS LIte and I thought it was gonna own hard....but....it didn't. The stylus is a gimmick....and overall the PSP is an awesome console in your hands with better titles all round. The only decent game fpr the DS IMO would be the FF 3 remake...but that VS a couple GTA's, Killzone, Daxter, Socom, Rachet and Clank, MGS games, and UMD's with a web browser to top it all off....dude. DS isn't even in the same league for serious gamers. Dude! I'm not a prinny d00d! The PSP blew it. The DS has two Castlevania games and Mario Kart under its belt, the PSP is just starting to offer stuff that's tempting. I know, because I didn't buy a DS at launch - I was hyped for the PSP, ready to buy it... and then? It just sucked. Dead pixels all over the place (to be fair I had to return my DS twice to get one with no "shadows" or dead pixels) and no real games.
When it came down to it - the PSP was doing (and continues to do) what made the DS launch bad - focusing on its most gimmicky feature. The DS sucked at launch because every game was hyper-focused on utilizing the touch screen. When stuff smoothed out and Castlevanias started kicking, I was a happy camper. Mario Kart? Right on. Animal Crossing - was good for a bit. The PSP? Obsessed with the big, shiny screen - all trying to put PS2 games that require dual analog onto a system with only one "analog nub".
I'm bored with my DS, but Pokemon is around the corner. I'm not going to buy a PSP however. Yes it's cool, but I'm not getting a system to play games I can play on my PS2 for $20. Every single game on the PSP is something I'm not interested in on PS2, so why spend the money on a PSP? Even the hotly followed Disgaea... um... PS2... had it *at launch*, put hundreds of hours into it, I'm done.
UMDs suck. End of story there. Web browser? I have a laptop. There's never going to be a scenario where I want to use a PSP to browse the internet. It's like browsing on your Wii... yes I totally like the idea of browsing in 720x480, that is what excites me to no end. What's that? No keyboard? On the PSP with its even lower resolution and still-no-keyboard button scheme?
I'm a hardcore gamer. I have an HDTV and a kickarse surround sound system - I have a portable for that obsessive "i'm gonna level my guys in school type gaming - something PSP is attempting to do badly this summer by porting a game I already beat the snot out of on the PS2.
If Sony really wants my love, they'll get Square Enix to put FF7 and FF8 onto the PSP, that would make for some awesome portable gaming.
Homebrew /post
Why do people say things like "I don't need that I have this..."
Guess what....I don't need a PS3..I have a PC....but I have a PS3....you know why? Cuz it goes to 11.
So I can use software to roll back my PSP and hope it doesn't brick it... and by "home brew" you really mean "put a bunch of emulators on the PSP and play STOLEN games illegally" - nice. As there are very few games that people have simpy made for the PSP - but plenty of ROMs.
As far as your spinal tap reference goes, give me a break. There is no driving force behind buying a PSP or its games, the poor sales of PSP games are a dead giveaway that you are correct about *stealing* (this is NOT what homebrew is, nor does the PSP have a huge homebrew community - it has plenty of *emulators* being made, this is not the same thing)
 I don't need an HDTV or a surround sound system, but I have them. I also have a PS2 and a Gamecube gathering dust and a DS that is hidden somewhere because it hasn't been played in so long. I'm not going to buy another dust gatherer like the PS3 - or the PSP for that matter.
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