Since there's an ignore list and a System Wars is dead thread we need to make a much more positive Awesome list :3
I'll start
Slashless- Because he's awesome
Darklink77-Because he trolls PS3 Fanboys and it is funny
Silverbond-because he admits that Torchic is a terrible pokemon
Taterfreakintot because his sig=win
Soulitane- Because his sig is awesome and not creepy .
Oreomilkshake-Because Oreo>All other milkshakes
Ianuillium-Because he owns Lems and it is funny.
Slashless-Because he's awesome
Spartan-Because Reach FTW.
Timmy-Becuase he's scarry in a good way
Floppyjim-Because I can't stop looking at his gif 0.o
petewolfe-Because his Avy is awesome.
bbkkristen-Becuz my list can't be invalid :0
Arach-Because he's an Old dude
Shadowlord-Becuz he suggested Arach
Slashless-Becuase he's awesome
Mmmwksil-Because his sigs are top tier
Stevo_The_gamer-Same reasons as Dark Link
Arcticedge-Because S,G 2 is awesome
Chubbyguy-Because Batman is kewl :3
Waltefmoney-Because he's the only non annoying Lem.
Charizard-Because he is uber awesome when it comes to knowing what a quality game is.
Slashless-Because he's awesome
Lundy-Because he knows what quality beer is
Xvision-Because he's the coolest 14 year old ever.
Kuraimen-Because Lol Glitching the system
Theuncharted-Because he's cool yo.
Demonjoe-Because bhe has the balls to like the worst football team in the NFL
Bobcheeseball-because he needs to win something
Magiciandude-idk but mmmwksil said i had too
The crickets-Same as above.
Grawe-Because he has the holiday spirit!
Calvin-Becaus he admits Stronghold 3 sucks
Navyguy-Because The Office rules!
Slashless-Because he's sexy
Mitu-because his Sigs are great
Tikeo-Because his name sounds like tequila
Wanderer5-Because he doesn't make fun of the fact i suck at making sigs :{
Slashless-Because he's awesome.
So there are you users that are awesome and such, feel free to suggest someone youy think should be on the list : D
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