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the flood are pretty boring to fight, i'd rather just fight covenant, because they're smarter and have more variety.
I think that the idea of the flood is pretty awesome, but bungie just executed it wrong.
The flood is great because it is a line in the sand. They are evil not because of psychology or circumstance, they just ARE evil. Fiction has used far off sci fi like this before, like with the oxygen destroyer in Gojira. Master chief had to prove that he was not only just an efficient killer, but that his actions were in direct opposition to the soulless zombies that make up every part of their clan.
but then they hop around like magic and dont drop ammo
I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the universe that didn't have a problem with the Library in CE.
Also, the whole you fighting the covenant while simultaneously fighting the flood was the best part, and thinking about it, it would have been much cooler if the game had more of that instead of *just* the flood.
[QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"]They'd be a great enemy if bungie could come up with some way to have you fight them which isn't walking through a series of small corridors which all look identical while cutting through near never-ending swathes of them.
Like someone else said, the levels on Halo 1 where you'd be in the middle of a three-way Marines, Covenant and Flood battle where fantastic; but bungie seem to prefer having at least one horrible flood gauntlet level per game. They even acknowledge that they suck too, which is why "Cortana" in Halo 3 is such a confusing level; in every podcast they talk about how much they hated the Library and the Flood Levels in halo 2, then they make a level like cortana which is exactly the same?
Two weeks after the game's launch they even said "oh yeah totally cortana=fail" in the podcast. What gives?
Yeah, Cortana was just awful. It was actually easier to just run wildly through the level than slowly fight and plan like you would when fighting the Covenant.
And is it just me, or was it ridiculously easy to detonate High Charity? How much harder was the PoA in Halo 1.
I guess Bungie didn't learn from that mistake. Everyone hated the level Library, and then they throw the level cortana, which was worse.
And yeah I found it a bit strange how easy it was to blow up high charity. You shoot a couple of reactor cores the size of a fridge and the whole thing explodes:shock:
[QUOTE="BambooBanger"]Challenge doesn't necessarily equal fun.I didn't like the flood but theyre a good challenge.
They're annoying, but I can't believe people are complaining, games are ment to be a challenge aren't they ? :roll:
But about the flood, they are terrible because they give you no satasfaction in killing them. The small ones, wait for it...pop, so in essence your popping balloons, and the big ones just fall, like they trip or something. Then the small ones revive the big ones, so you get to see the same luke-warm death again. then the carriers that explode...those are just plain annoying
[QUOTE="Meu2k7"]Normal headscrabs are actually worse than the flood, except for the poisonous headcrab things that leap at you. Those were badass.They are terrible versions of headcrabs.
Headcrabs rock.
Yeah I heard onceon Developer Commentery from Valve that as soon as playtesters heard the sound of a poisonous headcrab, they would ignore all other threats and try to kill it.
The flood only suck when their placed in crappy levels like the Library, there pretty good everywhere else.
And to all those saying their a ripofff of head crabs obviously hasnt spent time to actualy playing both games otherwise they would see they are very unalike in almost everyway.
The flood only suck when their placed in crappy levels like the Library, there pretty good everywhere else.
And to all those saying their a ripofff of head crabs obviously hasnt spent time to actualy playing both games otherwise they would see they are very unalike in almost everyway.
I have every halo 1-3. I have every HL game. I played them all to death. I still say Flood = horrendous HL ripoff
It's like Bungie intentionally threw a monkey wrench into their own games.
The Flood are the most annoying, boring and all around least fun enemies ever in an FPS.
Well, I've only played the first and some of second Halo, but in the first Halo, the Flood was the second funnest part of the game besides the last level in the driving sequence.
[QUOTE="DrinkDuff"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"]Normal headscrabs are actually worse than the flood, except for the poisonous headcrab things that leap at you. Those were badass.They are terrible versions of headcrabs.
Headcrabs rock.
Yeah I heard onceon Developer Commentery from Valve that as soon as playtesters heard the sound of a poisonous headcrab, they would ignore all other threats and try to kill it.
ya whenever i heard 1, i usually dropped everything else and made it my 1st priority. hell i would shoot randomly with my strongest weapons sometimes just to irradicate it. plus they look creep too! all black. i remember the first time i saw one my first reaction was
"lmao puny little enemy i will crush you now!":lol:
then it leaps rapidly and hits me once and my next reaction was "omg im getting owned i need health asap! someonez helpz mez! get it away! nooooooooooo" :o
then after a normal head crab kills me with 1 hit and my reaction is:cry:
hence, why i sometimes use a rocket to kill what SEEMS like a weak enemy :lol:
Very true, I don't really understand it. I cringe every time I know I'm going to fight the Flood. It's like they didn't playtest their own games to see if they were fun or not.MyopicCanadianI do that as well, they just s*** so much it's not funny, but hey I guess people must like them considering Halo has sold so well.
very true
they kindof ruined the latter parts of halo 3 IMO .. or it made it less fun than if we were fighting brutes till the end
i understand that they are part of the story, but i would have preferred it if bungie dedicated a single level to them, where you wipe them out, and then focus on the convenant in the last levels of the game
how can anybody seriously ask the question "why did they put the flood in halo?". have you not paid attention to anything that happened in those games? without the flood there are no halo's.
anyway i also did find them quite **** boring, i mean they could have made a race like this one of the coolest and most intimidating enemies by far but they just seem like boring drones who happen to take alot of damage before they are killed. Maybe they were okay but the only thing that made halo pretty fun to me was the battles with the covenant, they really had great AI and it made it a blast to battle them at times. the Flood just seemed boring in comparison and stopped you from being able to fight the convenant which was far more entertaining.
I don't have to be a video game designer to criticize a game.
I don't have to be an actor to criticize a movie.
I don't have to be a musician to criticize music.
Your argument holds no water.
The flood surprised the crap outta me in the first halo they were really annoying in halo 2 and on halo 3 they cut back on them so I was happy.
The flood are OK characters I just dont like that they dont explain them in the games or book.
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