Lol do all the cows realize that DS isn’t even exclusive before they celebrate it as a victory for Sony?? Game is crap and this being the most nominated title definitely shows how much of a joke the game awards is..
The only games I’ve played on that GOTY list are Smash Bros and Death Stranding. Neither of those games deserves the award. I’ve heard food things about Control...
The fact both Pokemon Sword/Shield & Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order isn't on the list of GOTY is the fact they both launch November 15th which passes their nominee contender due date and Death Stranding release before GOTY due date nominee. There's a reason why Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is on that list cause it release December 2018. I expect Jedi Fallen Order to be their next year's Game Awards.
Lol, I can't believe how many categories Death Stranding is in... biased much?
Categories this year is poor compare to last year. Biased you say? Not at all. Any game that goes into GOTY contender should be excluded from the rest of the categories. At least Gears 5 got a few categories to say the least.
Smash has 93 MC average, DS 83. And the winner is..... Death Stranding! This is going to be too funny!
Since when did the year end in November???
They should wait and have the awards show in January every year considering the year doesn't end until December 31st.
This is some stupid EA shit going on here.
Outer Worlds over Disco Elysium?
Three Houses not nominated for GOTY?
Three low 80's MC games nominated for GOTY?
Thats true about control too. no one care about remedy games before and they were superior. now all of sudden its nominated for GOTY.
Frankly, I'm shocked that Resident Evil 2 Remake made it as far as GOTY contender. Though I don't see it winning; it might just surprise us. I'd be happy with that and unlike DS, Re2 is widely loved by critics and users.
However, from the looks of things, Death Stranding will likely win GOTY. I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet but from what I've seen, it definitely doesn't deserve it. But then again, it's no worse than Overwatch winning that one time. At least Death Stranding is a single player experience. That's already a victory in itself.
I think the question is.. what games from the list did people actually play?
Control - did not play yet.
Death Stranding - 10 hours in, I like it a lot.
Resident Evil 2 - amazing game.. maybe it's my choice, but might not be by the time I finish DS.
Sekiro - did not play yet. going to get it on a Black Friday sale.
Smash Bros Ultimate - amazing game, another good contender. If only it had a Melee like single player.
The Outer Worlds - loved this game! my GamePass expired, so have to wait to finish the last 10 hours.
Overall, I think this is a great list. I think I'm pulling for RE2 right now.
"RE2 is only game that had universal praise and clearly best game overall."
ikr It definitely has my vote for GOTY. I hope Final Fantasy VII remake turns out to be that good. But knowing Square Enix, I doubt it.
Lol, I can't believe how many categories Death Stranding is in... biased much?
It's basically the kojima award show at this point. That host has a massive boner for him.
Not even a mention in any of the awards for wow classic, the biggest PC ip release this year.
It's absolutely laughable at best.
Frankly, I'm shocked that Resident Evil 2 Remake made it as far as GOTY contender. Though I don't see it winning; it might just surprise us. I'd be happy with that and unlike DS, Re2 is widely loved by critics and users.
However, from the looks of things, Death Stranding will likely win GOTY. I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet but from what I've seen, it definitely doesn't deserve it. But then again, it's no worse than Overwatch winning that one time. At least Death Stranding is a single player experience. That's already a victory in itself.
It was virtually guaranteed that RE2 would get a nomination. And it's quite likely that RE2 would go on to beat DS. Like you implied, RE2 has universal acclaim, whereas DS is divisive. A game with universal acclaim is, more often than not, going to get more votes than a game with divisive reception. The only thing possibly working against RE2 is the fact that it's a remake, which might influence voters to vote for a new game instead.
You got a good point there. Death Stranding is getting A LOT of hate from quite a group of players. Maybe that hate will play a big factor in the GOTY award. Even critically, DS averages an 8.3 while Re2 sits on a comfy 9. something. Hell, Re2 is a 10/10 on Steam.
So basically if DS wins then it would look like a flat out conspiracy.
RE2 Remake was enjoyable and it's how you make a modern day survival series done right, but however, it's not my GOTY though. I do want to see Control wins it, it was a very good game and Remedy has come a long way and still miles better then Naughty Dogs in terms of gameplay, that says alot. Death Stranding & RE2 Remake are good, but Control deserves better and anyone saying Control is a joke just because it got nominated for GOTY have obviously never played it. Trust me, Control is really good. Story driven, supernatural elements, gameplay with psychic powers, and great environments level design makes Control worthy of GOTY.
If Death Stranding gets it this place is going to explode. The amount of fanboy jealous rage is going to be off the charts.
Should be a good time.
Jealous of garbage? Shoot, I can name 1000 games from last gen that shat all over Death Stranding. It's like everything these days, paid and false. Nobody actually likes the 10th walking/delivery simulator from PS library.
2019 has been a terrible year. It pains me that Red Dead II and God of War had to split GOTY awards last year, when either of them would have easily smashed 2014, 2016,2018, 2019.
I guess Death Stranding takes GOTY 2019 for me
2019 has been a terrible year. It pains me that Red Dead II and God of War had to split GOTY awards last year, when either of them would have easily smashed 2014, 2016,2018, 2019.
I guess Death Stranding takes GOTY 2019 for me
Then you haven't been paying attention to more games this year cause 2019 is a hell great year because we had great games releasing this year. Last year was also great for gaming. It really depends what you are looking for.
@davillain-: I just don't see any GOTY worthy games this year. I thought Death Stranding would be a 10/10 masterpiece, but it wasn't.
Sekiro, Devil May Cry 5, COD:MW, Outer Worlds were all amazing games but none of them are worthy of a GOTY moniker in my opinion.
2018 had Red Dead II AND God of War.
2017: had LoZ: BOTW *and* Super mario odyssey
2016: didn't have anything either
2015: MGSV: Phantom Pain *AND* The Witcher 3
2014: Didn't have a proper GOTY-worthy game
2013: The Last Of Us (GOTG worthy), GTA V (GOTG worthy) AAAAAnd Bioshock: Infinite which I would totally award GOTY had it released any other year than 2013 / 2015 / 2017
If Death Stranding gets it this place is going to explode. The amount of fanboy jealous rage is going to be off the charts.
Should be a good time.
Jealous of garbage? Shoot, I can name 1000 games from last gen that shat all over Death Stranding. It's like everything these days, paid and false. Nobody actually likes the 10th walking/delivery simulator from PS library.
You are angry.
No Disco Elysium?
They put it in the RPG category.
But I mean, even talking about it, is giving this shit credence. It's a big ad where the publishers with the most money get the most air-time, notoriously anti-pc and has only really leaned slightly towards it in recent years because of PC's popularity increasing, not through mainstream websites, but the rise of youtube and twitch etc...
@davillain-: I just don't see any GOTY worthy games this year. I thought Death Stranding would be a 10/10 masterpiece, but it wasn't.
Sekiro, Devil May Cry 5, COD:MW, Outer Worlds were all amazing games but none of them are worthy of a GOTY moniker in my opinion.
Your opinion is self-contradictory. If a game is amazing, then it is absolutely GOTY worthy.
I quite like the list. Lots of variety and new ideas, not just same old same old (Smash and Resi aside).
Lol at folks clamouring for the 5th Gears, 6th Devil May Cry, 7th(?) Smash to be winning anything. All good to great games but come on, all more of the same too.
Lol, I can't believe how many categories Death Stranding is in... biased much?
It's basically the kojima award show at this point. That host has a massive boner for him.
Not even a mention in any of the awards for wow classic, the biggest PC ip release this year.
It's absolutely laughable at best.
Yeah, tend to agree.
Hopefully there'll be some good announcements but.
I quite like the list. Lots of variety and new ideas, not just same old same old (Smash and Resi aside).
Lol at folks clamouring for the 5th Gears, 6th Devil May Cry, 7th(?) Smash to be winning anything. All good to great games but come on, all more of the same too.
That's why I would've liked to see something like Astral Chain get some more love... it's a great game and a new IP!
@SolidGame_basic: They weren't as quick as the Death Stranding defence force though.....
DS has more nominations than God of War did last year LOL
@Jag85: Not really my friend. A game can be good/fun but NOT be a GOTY contender.
I spend more hours playing FIFA 20 and COD:MW than anything else, but that doesn't make any of them GOTY contenders.
Games like DMC5 (I'm a huge DMC fan), Sekiro are really well made, fun games, I just don't see them as GOTY-winning games.
... Like Red Dead 2, God of War, LoZ:BOTW, Odyssey, MGSV: TPP, Witcher 3, etc are.
I think every game of 2019 except perhaps Death Stranding will be forgotten in 10 years time.
@Jag85: Not really my friend. A game can be good/fun but NOT be a GOTY contender.
I spend more hours playing FIFA 20 and COD:MW than anything else, but that doesn't make any of them GOTY contenders.
Games like DMC5 (I'm a huge DMC fan), Sekiro are really well made, fun games, I just don't see them as GOTY-winning games.
... Like Red Dead 2, God of War, LoZ:BOTW, Odyssey, MGSV: TPP, Witcher 3, etc are.
I think every game of 2019 except perhaps Death Stranding will be forgotten in 10 years time.
FIFA 20 and COD MW are annual updates/remakes with minor adjustments. So I agree they may not be GOTY worthy in that sense. But the original COD4 MW would've absolutely been GOTY worthy, as it was a real game-changer for the FPS genre.
As for DMC5 and Sekiro, their gameplay wipes the floor with the likes of RDR2, GOW and TW3. The only things that the latter do better are passive elements, like story and presentation. What defines the video game medium is the gameplay. If we are judging video games by the quality of gameplay, then that makes the likes of DMC5 and Sekiro (with excellent gameplay) a lot more GOTY worthy than the likes RDR2, GOW and TW3 (with mediocre-to-okay gameplay).
Ten years ago, Bayonetta and Demon's Souls came out. Bayonetta is remembered as the gold standard of action games for a whole decade, up until DMC5. And Demon's Souls is remembered as the game the created a whole new sub-genre of games, the Soulslike. DMC5 and Sekiro will certainly be remembered in 10 years time, just as Bayonetta and Demon's Souls are still remembered 10 years later. As for RE2 Remake, that will certainly be remembered as the definitive version of RE2, a game that's still remembered 21 years after it first came out.
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